• July 26, 2024

Winning back America!

 Winning back America!

Fellow Patriot,

My name is Kimberly Klacik.

I’m running for Congress in former Congressman Elijah Cummings’ district and with your help, I am going to take back his seat and restore Conservative values in Congress!

Democrats have run Baltimore for decades… and the result?

High violent crime rates
Terrible living conditions
Homelessness and poverty
Low education
I’m emailing you today because I need your help. Will you make a generous gift to win back this critical seat in Congress and prevent a Democrat supermajority this November?

You see, for every $25 you contribute, my team will reach over 75 voters through social media advertising campaigns to ensure a huge victory in just a few months!

These ads will help me reach thousands of key swing voters in my district and spread my Pro-Trump, Pro-America FIRST agenda!

So please, chip in just $25, $50 or more to help fuel my fight to win back this Democrat-FAILED district >>

CHIP IN $100

I’ve met with thousands of conservatives, independents, and liberals over the last few months.

Most of these folks are fed up with the Democrats anti-American message and the decades of failure that’s severely damaged Baltimore.

I have a chance to restore my district, restore sanity in Congress, and promote the Conservative values that make America great this November…

… And with your help, I am confident I will make this vision a reality.

So please, chip in any amount to stop the Democrats from achieving a supermajority and win back Democrat-failed Baltimore >>

Thank you in advance for your generous support,

Kimberly Klacik
Candidate for Congress

P.O. Box 74273 • Phoenix, AZ 85087

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