• July 26, 2024

With No Enthusiasm, Tiny Events and a Horrible Candidate, Democrats Appear to be Going for the Steal

 With No Enthusiasm, Tiny Events and a Horrible Candidate, Democrats Appear to be Going for the Steal

Like in 2016, the current polls in the 2020 election are completely unreliable and bogus. 

They tried this before, they’ll try it again.

Democrats are again using their bogus polls to manipulate and discourage their opponents in the upcoming election.  Many believe that the only way Democrats can win is to steal the election and they soften up the electorate by using fake polls showing their candidates way ahead so when the steal occurs, it’s not so noticeable.

Rasmussen Reports quoted Sundance from the Conservative Tree House in a series of tweets a few hours ago:

Sundance: “A week before the 2016 election we broke away from spending energy on deconstructing polls; the reason was simple – the data was nothing more than manipulation intended to sway the American electorate.”


— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) September 3, 2020

Rasmussen continued to quote Sundance that the difference between Pravda [the Soviet News Agency] and the U.S. Media is that the former citizens of Soviet Russia knew they were being lied to:

“The difference between Pravda and the U.S. Media is that former citizens of the Soviet-era knew they were being lied to, many Americans do not.

This time in 2020 the media effort will intensify.”


— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) September 3, 2020

This past week national polls from the upcoming election after the conventions were hidden completely because the results clearly favored President Trump:

“A clear example of that has showcased in the past week as national post-convention polling was hidden completely because it did not support the psychological message of the control agents.”


— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) September 3, 2020

“It takes longer to generate manipulated polls; that’s why there was a delay, and the results now being broadcast are simply following a very predictable pattern.”

“It takes longer to generate manipulated polls; that’s why there was a delay, and the results now being broadcast are simply following a very predictable pattern.”


— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) September 3, 2020

President Trump opined on the situation – same thing we saw in 2016:

@FoxNews Polls are, as in the past, Fake News. They have been from the beginning, way off in 2016. Get a new pollster. I believe we are leading BIG!

— Donald J. Trump

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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