• July 26, 2024

WRONG AGAIN: Rachel Maddow Predicted June Jobs Report Would Be ‘Terrible’ (VIDEO)

 WRONG AGAIN: Rachel Maddow Predicted June Jobs Report Would Be ‘Terrible’ (VIDEO)

Does MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow ever get tired of being wrong?

She pushed the Russia hoax on a nightly basis for three solid years, you would think that alone would have been enough to shame her off the national stage, but no.

She just keeps going on being wrong about other things.

The latest example is the June jobs report. She gleefully predicted the numbers would be terrible.

The Daily Caller reports:

Rachel Maddow Wrongly Predicted Jobs Numbers Would Be ‘Absolutely Terrible’

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow incorrectly predicted an “absolutely terrible” June jobs number report at the end of her Wednesday night show.

“We’re actually gonna get the job numbers, the unemployment figures for the month of June a day earlier than we would otherwise expect them,” Maddow said to conclude Wednesday night’s “The Rachel Maddow Show.”

“So, we would usually get those on a Friday,” she continued. “They’re going to come out tomorrow. That’ll tell us unemployment figures for June. Brace yourself. It’s going to be absolutely terrible.”

Watch the video:

MSNBC’s @maddow made the worst prediction of the week on TV, saying today’s jobs numbers would be “absolutely terrible” pic.twitter.com/L6oflRlpah

— TV News HQ (@TVNewsHQ) July 2, 2020

Maddow was not only wrong, she was spectacularly wrong. June broke job creation records.


4.8 MILLION jobs created in June, beating the 3 million predicted — LARGEST monthly gain on record!

The economy beat expectations by 1.7 MILLION jobs — more than the population of Hawaii.

Well done President @realDonaldTrump!

— Kayleigh McEnany (@PressSec) July 2, 2020

A closer look at today’s outstanding jobs numbers: “For two consecutive months, we have experienced the largest job gains in history, and the resilience of the American people remains strong.” https://t.co/CvMA9l4G6w

— The White House (@WhiteHouse) July 3, 2020

Second HUGE jobs report in a row.

4.8 MILLION jobs created in June, blowing past expectations by 2 million.

Unemployment rate dropped to 11.1%, much lower than expected.

There’s no denying it: @realDonaldTrump is the JOBS President!!

— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) July 2, 2020

The truth is that people like Maddow are rooting for failure because

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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