• June 25, 2024


Stacy Abrams and Fair Fight Sue True the Vote After

Catherine Engelbrecht and True the Vote are working tirelessly to ensure the Georgia runoff elections on January 5th are fair and fair. Catherine Engelbrecht is the Founder and President of True The Vote the nation’s largest voters’ rights group. The organization for over ten years now has been on the front lines of election fraud […]Read More

McConnell Held Conference Call with GOP Senators to Press Josh

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell held a conference call on Thursday with GOP Senators. The purpose of the call was to press Josh Hawley on why he would stand up to the stolen 2020 presidential election. Hawley skipped the call. Over 140 Republican lawmakers in the US House will object to the Electoral College certification […]Read More

Wow. Dementia Joe and Jill Biden Can’t Figure Out How

What a joke. ABC invited Joe and Jill Biden on to pop a confetti canon during their 2021 New Years Party broadcast. They couldn’t quite figure it out. Of course, Jill Biden was given the confetti canon duties. Dementia Joe has no idea what’s going on. So when was the last time ABC invited Donald […]Read More

President Trump Releases Statement From White House Upon Return to

President Trump cut his Florida vacation short to return to Washington. According to reports, President Trump headed straight to the Oval Office after he arrived in DC. The President released a statement from the White House upon returning to Washington. Trump touted the success of “Operation Warp Speed” as a “medical miracle.” “We will end […]Read More

Another Wave Of Portland Police Quit Amid Massive Spike In

Yes, Virginia, Portland is continuing to slide further and further into 3rd world status. If you can believe it, the situation is actually getting worse, as we bring you the latest in Portland s***hole news. The city is set to the the year with nearly 900 shootings. Yes, 900. Out of those, 225 people were […]Read More

Nurse Contracts Covid A Week After Getting Vaccine. And He’s

As the highly touted Covid vaccine makes its way into the arms of nurses, doctors, elderly, and others who are immuno-compromised, it appears as though it isn’t as effective as we were led to believe. An ER nurse in San Diego received his Covid vaccination last week. Seven days later, he started feeling symptoms, and […]Read More

Big Money Is Now Being Poured Into The Effort To

California Governor Gavin Newsom is now facing a serious effort to recall him from office. Not only have the people behind the recall gathered millions of necessary signatures, they are now getting huge donations to keep their efforts going. The Hill reports: Campaign to recall Newsom gets first six-figure donations A campaign formed to recall […]Read More