• June 16, 2024


Pro-Trump Marine Goes Off on DC Police After They Mace

pro-Trump Marine went off on the DC Police after officers maced Stop the Steal protesters the night before Wednesday’s big rally. Police have been using a very heavy hand with Trump supporters to protect the Antifa and Black Lives Matter militants who are gathered in BLM Plaza. “You lost both sides of support. We had […]Read More

VIOLENT LEFTIST MOB Swarms and Attacks Senator Hawley’s DC Home

BREAKING: Antifa scumbags swarmed and attacked Senator Josh Hawley’s Washington DC home on Monday night. The Senator was back in Missouri at the time. But Senator Hawley’s wife Erin and their newborn baby were at home at the time! This is the modern-day Democrat Party. Their fake news media will, no doubt, ignore this latest […]Read More

BRUTAL: Watch Gov. DeSantis Treat a CNN ‘Reporter’ Exactly the

CNN’s activist-reporter Rosa Flores was taken down quite a few notches by Governor Ron DeSantis during a hostile exchange at a coronavirus press briefing. DeSantis treated Flores exactly the way she deserved to be treated. Anyone who humiliates and embarrasses reporters like this has my vote. DeSantis rocks pic.twitter.com/56EUuvdPt0 — Eduardo Neret (@eduneret) January 5, […]Read More

It’s Going to Be HUGE! Join President Trump outside the

On December 19th President Trump invited you to attend the Wild Protest in Washington DC on January 6th. Peter Navarro releases 36-page report alleging election fraud ‘more than sufficient’ to swing victory to Trump https://t.co/D8KrMHnFdK. A great report by Peter. Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. […]Read More

Prayer to Open 117th Congress Ends with “Amen” and “Awoman”

We have officially reached the ninth level of hell in this country. The anti-American, anti-family Democrats proposed new “gender neutral” rules for the House. The proposed rules were announced by Democratic Massachusetts Rep. James McGovern, chairman of the Rules Committee, and Nancy Pelosi. According to the Democrat rules for “gender inclusive language,” their plan “modernizes […]Read More

Pelosi Narrowly Reelected to Another Term as Speaker of the

80-year-old Nancy Pelosi was narrowly reelected to another term as Speaker of House on Sunday. Pelosi won 216 votes barely securing the speakership. 5 Democrats defected and either didn’t vote for Pelosi or voted present. “As we go into session today, I do so full of pride to be nominated by our Democratic Caucus to […]Read More

Seven Days in January? All Living Former Secretaries of Defense

The ten surviving former U.S. secretaries of defense co-signed a Washington Post op-ed published Sunday that warns President Trump and his Defense Department appointees the election is over, the time for questioning the results has passed and they better not involve the military in the election fight. Those who signed include James Mattis and Mark […]Read More