• September 20, 2024


Bill Barr Did Not See Fraud Because He Refused To

I was wrong in putting any faith in Bill Barr. I thought Bill Barr was an honorable man. He is not. He has done a good job of masquerading as a stand up, honest guy, but when it came to saving the Republic and upholding the Constitution, he ran away. During Barr’s final press conference […]Read More

OUTRAGEOUS! Mitch McConnell Will Reach Out to Senator-Elect Tommy Tuberville

Last week news broke that senator-elect Tommy Tuberville may challenge the Electoral College votes on the US Senate floor in January. BREAKING BIG! Alabama Senator-Elect Tuberville Suggests He May Back Effort to Challenge Electoral College Vote on Fraudulent Election Several states were stolen from President Trump in his landslide 2020 election. Democrats and the media […]Read More

New Poll Finds Majority Of Voters Hate Socialism And Don’t

Judging by the way the media presents Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her socialist ideas, you would think that the vast majority of Americans just love them. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. A new poll finds that most people strongly dislike socialism and they don’t care much for AOC. Just the News […]Read More

Nurses Dance In Cringeworthy TikTok Video At A Time When

It seems that every day, there’s a new article reporting on how hospitals are “overrun” or “overwhelmed” due to COVID patients. A headline by The Washington Post from December 18th reads, “The scene inside a California hospital overrun with covid cases.” A headline by Reuters from the same day reads, “California hospitals overrun even as vaccine is rolled out.” […]Read More

President Trump Calls for Special Counsel to Investigate the 2020

President Trump has called for a Special Counsel to investigate election fraud in the 2020 election. On December 23rd, the President called for a Special Counsel After seeing the massive Voter Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election, I disagree with anyone that thinks a strong, fast, and fair Special Counsel is not needed, IMMEDIATELY. This […]Read More

President Trump Warns Weakling GOP Senators: “I Will NEVER FORGET!

President Trump posted a warning to RINO Senators on Christmas Eve. President Trump helped lift several GOP senators over the finish line since he entered office! And yet they do nothing to help President Trump after he had the election stolen from him. In fact, GOP Majority Leader Mitch McConnell reportedly reached out to senator-elect […]Read More

TWJ Exclusive: New Legal Memo Brings Hope to Trump Supporters

The Western Journal is presenting this memorandum, written by two prominent conservative legal scholars, essentially verbatim, with only enough editing to format it for the Op-Ed section of our website. This is the second memo by Messrs. Olson and McSweeney to be published exclusively by The Western Journal, and it, like the first, outlines a […]Read More

A Focus on the Georgia Election Fraud – President Trump

s we’ve reported for more than a month, the election fraud in Georgia was beyond belief.  Fraud occurred in every imaginable avenue.  Every fraud technique was used and it occcured throughout the states, especially in Atlanta’s Fulton County.  Share this video with any doubters that you know.  This video proves election fraud in Georgia – […]Read More

Dave Portnoy Of Barstool Sports Is Now Doing More To

Small businesses all over the United States are suffering due to lock downs. Some cities like New York have had bars and restaurants partially or completely locked down for months. What is Congress doing for them? Next to nothing. Dave Portnoy of the extremely popular site Barstool Sports has decided to take action. He is […]Read More