• September 23, 2024


Arizona Governor Ducey Defends Signing Off on Fraudulent Election —

The Trump-hating Arizona Secretary of State on Monday certified the state’s false election results. Secretary of State Katie Hobbs previously called Trump supporters “neo-nazis.” Katie Hobbs rushed to certify the election results despite major concerns about voting machine security, statistically improbable vote dumps in Maricopa County and other irregularities. ARIZONA. Breaking: The state certifies 2020 […]Read More

PROOF: Native Americans in Arizona Given TVs, Tablets, Resort Stays

Native Americans in Arizona were provided with electronics, resort stays and monetary gifts in exchange for voting at “get out the vote” events that were also promoting Joe Biden Any monetary exchange for votes, whether partisan or not, is illegal As the Gateway Pundit previously reported, the Nevada Native Vote Project used gift cards, electronics […]Read More

WOW! PA Election Observer Drops BOMBSHELL – Says DOJ Showed

Leah Hoopes, a Republican poll watcher from Chester, Pennsylvania, testified before the GOP Pennsylvania Senate hearing last week Gettysburg. Leah described what she witnessed while doing her duties on election night as votes were being counted for President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden. Hoopes said she was kept in what she described as […]Read More

SHADY: Georgia Recount in Fulton County Delayed By Dominion Server

The recount in Georgia’s Fulton County has been delayed due to the Dominion Voting Systems mobile server crashing on Sunday evening. Officials in the county, which includes Atlanta, said that the server was newly purchased. “Technicians from Dominion have been dispatched to resolve the issue,” Fulton County officials said in a statement obtained by local station […]Read More

EXCLUSIVE: Native American Voter Bribe Efforts Were Partially Funded By

Efforts to bribe Native Americans to vote in states crucial for the Democrats were partially funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and government agencies. Vote Native is an initiative of the National Congress of American Indians. As the Gateway Pundit reported on Sunday evening, Native Americans in ArizonaNevada and a slew of other states […]Read More

EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone Responds to Second Hit Piece by Far

Featured image altered from The Daily Beast On Tuesday the far-left Daily Beast reported that a Roger Stone was behind effort to encourage Republicans not to vote in the January Senate Vote in Georgia.  This was refuted by Roger Stone but it hasn’t stopped far-left Salon from parroting the same story. After pushing the totally […]Read More

Georgia Patriots Hold Car Parade Outside of Secretary of State

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Governor Kemp oversaw a corrupt and fraudulent election in the state of Georgia this year. The state leaders allowed Democrats with Dominion voting machines to steal the election from President Donald Trump. But the people of Georgia are not backing down. Attorney Sidney Powell filed a devastating case against […]Read More