• July 26, 2024

Bozell: Big Tech Perpetrating ‘Greatest Form of Censorship’ and ‘Election Manipulation This Country Has Ever Seen’

 Bozell: Big Tech Perpetrating ‘Greatest Form of Censorship’ and ‘Election Manipulation This Country Has Ever Seen’

 By Craig Bannister | June 16, 2020 

MRC Pres. Brent Bozell

By preventing President Donald Trump and his supporters from communicating with the American people via social media platforms, Big Tech is attempting to ensure the president won’t win reelection in November, Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell writes in a Fox News commentary published Tuesday.

“It is the greatest form of censorship, not to mention election manipulation, this country has ever witnessed,” Bozell warns in his opinion piece, “2020 and Big Tech – Election isn’t just about Trump vs. Biden. It’s about fate of democracy.”

Big Tech’s efforts to rig the election by denying Trump and his supporters a voice on their social media platforms are ubiquitous, Bozell writes, citing several examples:

  • Twitter: Employs double-standard, anti-conservative “fact checks” of content,
  • Snap/Snapchat: Has declared it “will not amplify voices who incite racial violence and injustice” and banished the president’s comments from Snapchat’s “Discover” section, which is reserved for key content from news outlets and celebrities.
  • Facebook: Responding to leftist staffers’ demands Trump be censored, Facebook is “going to review potential options for handling violating or partially-violating content.”
  • Reddit: Restricts conservative content and imposed a “quarantine” on the subreddit group, The Donald
  • Wikipedia: Founder Larry Sanger says “Wikipedia no longer has an effective neutrality policy.”

Even a site devoted to knitting, Ravelry, has ordered its 8 million users: “Do Not Post In Support of Trump or his Administration,” Bozell notes.

If Americans allow Big Tech to rig November’s presidential election, “We’ll never have another free election anywhere” and “it’ll be open season on the entire conservative movement,” Bozell concludes.

Read Brent Bozell’s full commentary here on FoxNews.com.

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