• September 14, 2024

Darlene Swaffar US House Congressional Candidate for Florida’s District #22

 Darlene Swaffar US House Congressional Candidate for Florida’s District #22

Darlene Swaffar (R) for Comgress Florida’s District #22

by Darlene Swaffar

What a week last week!!

Let’s recap:  From the State of the Union Address, to Pelosi ripping up the speech, to our President being exonerated for Impeachment, to FBI Director Christopher Wray admitting that the FISA Warrants and Surveillance of Trumps Campaign were illegal which makes the Mueller Investigation a proven scam, to Governor DeSantis signing a Pro-Life Parental Consent Bill, to the Iowa Caucus fiasco, to Pompeo letting all the State Govenors know that if they worked with China and received funding, that could interfere with US National Security functions, to Giuliani revealing truth bombs on corruption with money laundering and funneling. Whew!  That was just going through my Facebook feed!

Now you have Pelosi promising more investigations!  When will this ever end?  The only way, is to take back the House and elect real American Patriots who are focused on protecting our Republic, our Constitution and our Amendment rights.

My name is Darlene Swaffar, and I’m a Republican GOP Candidate running for Congress in District 22 and it’s time to DITCH DEUTCH!  It’s time for us to take back our Government and RESTORE ORDER and not only abide by, but also enforce our Constitutional Laws.  I will fight to protect our Republic and Constitutional Rights.

I am asking for your Support.  We have a goal to raise $20,000 by this weekend to help pay for advertising costs in community newspapers and billboard signs.  Please Donate $50 or $100 or what ever you can as a one time or monthly donation.

Send Darlene to Congress Donate Nowhttps://donorbox.org/swaffar-for-congress

What does running for Congress mean to me?  It’s a continuation of my family legacy.  My Ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War, The War of 1812, and the Civil War.  They along with one of the Greatest Founding Fathers, my 9th Great Uncle Benjamin Franklin would be appalled to see how our Congress has conducted themselves.  The 116th Congress has filed more unnecessary inquiries than composing or passing any good productive legislation.

Please understand, I am NOT a Politician nor do I care to be politically correct.  Originally from Brooklyn, NY and a South FL resident for over 27 years, like you I have had enough of what I have seen play out on TV.  I’m going to Congress to call out every Corrupt Politician and live up to the Legacy of my family lineage.

aka The Medicare Lady TM, I’m a business owner of a Medicare Insurance Agency with a team of 30 agents  I live and work in my District.  My company is a 100% Certified Woman and Hispanic owned business.  When I walk into the Senior Center or my favorite Breakfast Place First Watch, they know me by name.  Deerfield Beach is my Neighborhood.  There are 2 candidates registered to run who DO NOT live or work in our district!  No other candidate in my Primary matches my business knowledge, success, Community Service Awards and Record.

Send Darlene to Congress Donate Now:  https://donorbox.org/swaffar-for-congress 

For interviews and Platform information, please follow web links below.

Check out my Profile on the Conservative Choice Campaign and Retweet and share with your family and friends: https://conservativechoicecampaign.com/darlene-swaffar-r-congressional-candidate-for-congress-district-22-in-south-fl/

Podcast Interview on the Mike Essen Show:  https://www.blogtalkradio.com/mikeessenshow/2020/01/06/mike-interviews-congressional-candidate-darlene-swaffar
Interview with Reporter Jill Cueni-Cohen:  https://www.facebook.com/jillbooks/videos/2452863238267685/
The Mike Vilardi Radio Show:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x452ZVVSoe8

Send Darlene to Congress Donate Now:  https://donorbox.org/swaffar-for-congress 

Thank you for taking the time to read my email and learn more about your Candidate for Congress and our Campaign.  We look forward to serving you, while restoring moral standards to our Congress.

Darlene Swaffar
US House Congressional Candidate for Florida’s District #22

Campaign Manager:  Ken Paulsen  Cell: 954-559-0205
Email:  [email protected]

Donations can also be made by check.
Please make check out to “Inclusion 2020” and mail to:
Swaffar for Congress
2745 W. Hillsboro Boulevard, Suite #1
Deerfield Beach, FL  33442

Find out about upcoming Events: https://www.facebook.com/swaffar4congress
Follow me Twitter:  https://twitter.com/swaffarcongress
Check out our Website: http://www.swaffarforcongress.com

Send Darlene to Congress, Donate Now: https://donorbox.org/swaffar-for-congress

Proud Member of:
Tower Club, Fort Lauderdale
South FL Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce
Greater South FL Chamber of Commerce
Broward Veteran’s Coalition
Women’s Prosperity Network
Elderly Service Resource Network ESRN
NAHU Palm Beach Chapter
Small Business Administration TED Women’s Center

P.S.  It’s hard to believe that we pay our Congress to sit and do nothing.  Help me send Ted packing today.  Let’s Ditch Ted!

Send Darlene to Congress:  Donate Now  https://donorbox.org/swaffar-for-congress

Please feel free to share this email with your family and friends.

Paid for by Darlene Swaffar for Congress Inclusion2020 Inc.
Contributions for Darlene Swaffar for Congress Inclusion2020 Inc. are not tax deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, labor unions, federal contractors, and foreign nationals are
prohibited.  Donations from members of Council on American Islamic relations, ANTIFA, and any discriminatory or supremist groups are not welcome and will be refunded.

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