• July 26, 2024

Kickback Kathy Hochul Had Shady Meeting With a Billionaire Donor Bailed Out

 Kickback Kathy Hochul Had Shady Meeting With a Billionaire Donor Bailed Out


Kickback Kathy Hochul Had Shady Meeting

With a Billionaire Donor Bailed Out During COVID Crisis

by James S. Soviero

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul attended a secret meeting this past week with Alexander Rovt — a billionaire mega-donor to her campaign, whose hospital network was bailed out by the state in April.

campaign donations involving an overpriced, no-bid $637 million COVID test contract — entering Rovt’s mansion Thursday morning.

Rovt, 70, is chairman of the board of One Brooklyn Health Systems Inc., which runs a network of medical facilities where the coronavirus reportedly ran wild during the first, deadly wave of the pandemic.

The Daily Beast wrote in a 2021 expose of Rovt’s business dealings during the COVID-19 outbreak: “The vast domain Rovt built with his state contracts, grants, and approvals were the scene of some of the outbreak’s worst carnage.”

The state budget — approved by Hochul and the legislature in April — pumped $1.7 billion into a network of “financially distressed” hospitals that include Rovt’s One Brooklyn system.

State campaign finance records show Rovt and his wife, Olga, donated the maximum $139,400 to Hochul’s campaign.

The family that “donated” about $300,000 to Hochul should be pretty pissed off.  That tidy sum “only” got them a $637 million pay to play return on their dough.

Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Rovt dropped in half of that amount and got a $1.7 BILLION return!

Another 4 years of this corrupt, criminal coddling, Kickback Kathy Hochul; and the only New Yorkers left in the state will be the ones whose “campaign contributions” bought them some very special favors.

And that will leave hundreds of thousands of us to follow the 300,000 who have already headed for the exits

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