• November 11, 2024

DOCTORS DIED Within 2 Weeks After 4th COVID SHOT

6 Canadian Medical Doctors Died Within 2 Weeks After 4th COVID Booster Shots for Employees Started at One Hospital   by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News The alternative media was all a buzz this week as several previously young, healthy doctors all died within just a few days of each other. The biggest story came […]Read More

Bill Gates Says Adults Over 50 Will Probably Have to

Why is Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates giving medical advice on national television? Bill Gates this weekend appeared on CNN and told Anderson Cooper’s audience that people over the age of 50 will probably have to get Covid boosters every 6 months until we get a better vaccine. “For people over 50 or 60, they’ll probably […]Read More

Bill Gates Touts Pandemic Surveillance GERM Team In Creepy New

  Creepy Bill Gates just won’t go away. The globalist vaccine-pushing billionaire is making the rounds to promote Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization or GERM, a supreme global pandemic surveillance team that will be operated by the United Nations-run World Health Organization to detect outbreaks and prevent pandemics. Standing alongside a dalmatian puppy in a […]Read More

Bill Gates Trashes Detractors At TED Talk: It’s ‘Kind Of

As tech billionaire Bill Gates touted a billion dollar “pandemic prevention global government health “solution” during his keynote address at TED Talk this week, the depopulation advocate railed against his “crazy” disseminating “conspiracy theories” about COVID vaccines. As the Gateway Pundit reported, thousands of outraged freedom activists surrounded the Vancouver Trade & Convention Center in Canada […]Read More