• September 21, 2024


ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Twitter Changes Rules Back to What They Were

This is quite extraordinary. Twitter on Wednesday announced they were switching back rules to before the election. The rules served their purpose. They were able to list any criticism of the fraudulent election as “disputed” or “fake news.” And they especially hit President Trump hard. Twitter gods Censor a Stream of US President Trump’s Tweets […]Read More

BREAKING: Attorney Phil Kline and IT Expert J.R. Carlson Presser

Attorney Phil Kline from the Amistad Project and IT expert J.R. Carlson announced they will be releasing a major report on Wednesday exposing Mark Zuckerberg’s dark money cash for chaos in the 2020 election. Kline will release his groundbreaking report exposing dark money in the election tomorrow at noon Eastern the Westin Arlington Gateway on […]Read More

Breaking: Pentagon Imposes Emergency Shutdown of Its Secret Internet Protocol

The Pentagon imposed an emergency shutdown of computer network handling classified material on Tuesday. This follows the rare Emergency Directive 21-01 on Sunday night by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), in response to a KNOWN COMPROMISE involving SolarWinds Orion products. Sunday night’s directive was only the fifth Emergency Directive issued by CISA under […]Read More

Michigan’s Matt Sealy Explains How President Trump Has SEVERAL Paths

100 Percent Fed Up – With the media’s non-stop efforts to coronate Basement Joe as our next president, and the efforts of activist judges to discredit brave whistleblowers who’ve come forward to share their stories of voter fraud and intimidation they witnessed, it’s difficult to remain hopeful about President Trump’s chances of re-election. It’s hard […]Read More

OC Sheriff Refuses to Release 1,800 Dangerous Inmates – Including

OC Sheriff Don Barnes California – Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes fought back after a Superior Court Judge ordered the release of 1,858 dangerous inmates over concerns about Covid. Nearly 200 of the ‘medically vulnerable’ inmates ordered to be released are murderers and child molesters. In April the anti-American ACLU sued to ‘protect the medically […]Read More

WATCH: MyPillow CEO Slams Fox News’ Election Coverage And Makes

The MyPillow CEO spoke at the Women For America First Rally where he slammed Fox News for prematurely calling Joe Biden the winner of Arizona’s presidential electoral votes. Lindell stated, “It’s of epic proportions that this election was stolen. This isn’t a few votes here and there. This is like six to 10 million votes. […]Read More

Joe Biden Snaps Back at Reporter Shouting Questions About Hunter

78-year-old Joe Biden coughed his way through a press conference where he prematurely declared victory on Monday evening. After coughing and clearing his throat dozens of times, Biden wrapped up his short speech and walked away from the lectern. Jill Biden came out and the two had a very awkward embrace before a reporter started […]Read More

The New Acting Attorney General Jeff Rosen Recently Wrote an

Jeff Rosen may be the right man for the times.  We can only hope. Today President Trump announced that Attorney General Bill Barr would be resigning before Christmas and Deputy Attorney General Jeff Rosen would be taking over: …Deputy Attorney General Jeff Rosen, an outstanding person, will become Acting Attorney General. Highly respected Richard Donoghue […]Read More