• September 23, 2024


Former Filipino Lawmaker and Attorney Says Smartmatic Pre-Loaded Machines with

Attorney Glenn Chong, a former Filipino lawmaker, joined Michelle Malkin recently to discuss the Smartmatic corruption scandal in the Philippines election. Attorney Chong joined Michelle on Sovereign Nation on Newsmax TV. Glenn Chong: “Michelle, the term pre-loaded is exactly the right term I would use right here in Manila.  Pre-loaded votes.  Pre-loaded ballots.  Again, I […]Read More

BLAST FROM THE PAST: Smartmatic CEO Introduces Creepy Bill Gates

A photo resurfaced on Friday night of Smartmatic CEO introducing creepy Bill Gates at the Global Citizen Conference in June 2015. The Global Citizen is a globalist social justice organization aimed at ridding global poverty through socialism. The organization includes the support of prominent leftist leaders including Bill Gates, the Obamas and Pope Francis. In […]Read More

BREAKING HUGE: Pennsylvania Judge Rules 2020 PA Election Likely Unconstitutional

This is HUGE! Pennsylvania Judge Patricia A. McCullough ruled that the Pennsylvania preliminary ELECTION CERTIFICATION injunction was PROPERLY ISSUED and should be upheld. McCullough added this, “Additionally, petitioners appear to have established a likelihood to succeed.” Pennsylvania trial court rules the 2020 election was likely unconstitutional in Pennsylvania, and that gives state legislators power to […]Read More

“The Democrats Are Lying. I Don’t Know About the Judges”

Rudy Giuliani spoke with OAN this evening after receiving word from the Pennsylvania Circuit Court that the President’s case has been denied.  The Third Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday granted an expedited review for Team Trump’s appeal in Pennsylvania after an Obama judge dismissed their lawsuit seeking to block the state from certifying its […]Read More

Trump Admin Removes Globalists and Warhawks from Defense Policy Board

The Trump administration removed globalists and warhawks from the Defense Policy Board on Wednesday including Madeleine Albright, Henry Kissinger, Jane Harman and Eric Cantor. That was long overdue. Madeleine Albright is famous for bribing the North Korean dictators with US cash in a failed peace agreement. She also famously argued that killing 500,000 Iraqi children […]Read More

Not Only Was Dominion Prone to Attack from China and

On Thanksgiving eve Attorney Sidney Powell filed a 104 Page BOMBSHELL COMPLAINT on massive voter fraud in the Georgia election this year.  Then it was discovered that she simitaneously filed a complaint in Michigan as well. General Flynn Attorney Abigail Frye broke the news late Wednesday night– The Kraken came down to Georgia on this […]Read More