• September 23, 2024


BREAKING: John James Concedes To Do-Nothing Senator Gary Peters In

After several long weeks of watching President Trump and his legal team fighting to uncover massive voter fraud in Michigan, successful business owner and combat veteran, John James, Republican Senate candidate for Senate, has conceded his race to America’s most unremarkable and very dirty Senator, Democrat Gary Peters. 100 Percent Fed Up – Truth be […]Read More

Update: Newsom Dinner at The French Laundry Cost $15,000 with

The San Francisco Chronicle recently reported that Democrat California Governor Gavin Newsom and his wife attended a birthday party with ‘at least a dozen people’ from several different households for his advisor Jason Kinney. Newsom attended a dinner party at The French Laundry, a restaurant in Napa Valley that charges $800 per person for their […]Read More

FOX NEWS CRASHES! Viewers Cut in Half in 3 Weeks

Three weeks ago FOX News was riding high. It’s ratings had never been higher thanks to Donald Trump and his supporters. Then the fraudulent election took place and FOX immediately disowned their audience. Trump supporters were no longer welcome. And if anyone dared to question the fraudulent election they were immediately mocked and sneered at. […]Read More

Trump Campaign: Sidney Powell Not a Member of the Trump

The Trump campaign issued a statement Sunday night announcing Sidney Powell is not a member of President Trump’s legal team. The statement was posted online by campaign attorney Jenna Ellis on behalf of lead campaign attorney Rudy Giuliani. Powell had appeared at a campaign legal team press conference earlier this week alongside Giuliani and Ellis. […]Read More


Way back in 2019 MSNBC ran a segment from a Las Vegas hackers conference on HOW EASY IT IS to hack into Dominion or ES&S voting machines. On Sunday Dominion Voting Systems sent a hired spokesman, Michael Steel, to speak to FOX News. Steel insisted there was “no fraud” in the 2020 election. Steel added, […]Read More

“Sidney Is Staying the Course to Prove the Massive Deliberate

The Trump campaign issued a statement Sunday night announcing Sidney Powell is not a member of President Trump’s legal team. The statement was posted online by campaign attorney Jenna Ellis on behalf of lead campaign attorney Rudy Giuliani. Powell had appeared at a campaign legal team press conference earlier this week alongside Giuliani and Ellis. […]Read More