• September 22, 2024


The Fight for The Soul of Our Republic Has Begun

  If Joe Biden had run a real campaign and generated genuine enthusiasm, Trump voters would be unhappy with his victory but would acknowledge he had won. But Biden did not win. This election was stolen. And the fury and bitterness among Trump’s base is real and pervasive. So far, Trump supporters are keeping their […]Read More

Anger Grows Among Fans Of FOX News Over Network’s Coverage

One of the things that has been amazing to watch in this election cycle, is the presentation on FOX News and the way people are reacting to it. People who consider themselves fans of the network are not happy with the direction it’s headed it, and are making themselves heard on social media. For instance, […]Read More

BREAKING: Signed Affidavit From Erie, Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins

Pennsylvania USPS whistleblower Richard Hopkins went public on Thursday and confirmed federal investigators have spoken with him about Postmaster Rob Weisenbach’s order to backdate ballots to November 3rd, 2020. Richard Hopkins was the SECOND Pennsylvania USPS whistleblower who came forward to Project Veritas on Thursday claiming the Postmaster ordered late ballots to be picked up […]Read More

HUGE! Corrupted Software Used in Michigan County that Stole 6,000

so-called computer ‘glitch’ fix in one of Michigan’s counties has led to 6,000 votes switching from Joe Biden to President Trump.  The Head of the Republican Party has asked for an additional 47 counties be recounted after the fix since these 47 counties also use the same Dominion software. A so-called computer glitch has been […]Read More

Dystopian Nightmare: Media Covers For Biden as He Blasts Video

In the Biden campaign’s latest act of political theater and fake support for their candidate, the barely-functioning Joe Biden spoke before a “rally” of dozens of empty cars — and he wasn’t even there. Perhaps the most sinister part of this is that the media was there, covering this scam, and none of the networks […]Read More