• September 20, 2024


BREAKING: Wikileaks Posts 137 Documents on Kamala Harris Hours After

Joe Biden chose California Senator Kamala Harris as his Vice President nominee. Politico reported: Joe Biden has selected Sen. Kamala Harris to be his running mate, elevating a charismatic blue-state senator, former prosecutor and onetime 2020 primary rival who has built a reputation as an unyielding antagonist of the Trump administration. Harris, the daughter of […]Read More

Flashback: Watch Tulsi Gabbard Destroy Party Favorite Kamala Harris –

In August 2019 antiwar renegade Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard BLASTED Senator Kamala Harris on her controversial record as California Attorney General. It was brutal. Tulsi takes down Kamala Harris over her record on criminal justice reform, the death penalty, and the war on drugs -TULSI2020 #DemDebate#Tulsi2020https://t.co/7XQoiqHThupic.twitter.com/epf58iQNYI — Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) August 1, 2019 Via Reason […]Read More

Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova Says John Brennan Is Clearly

John Brennan Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova says he believes that Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan is included in the Durham Investigation and believes NPR and the MSM’s reporting is not accurate. Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova was again on Mornings at the Mall on Monday morning.  In his discussion this week, it was noted […]Read More

California Black Lives Matter Leader Charged with Five Felonies, Faces

BLM leader Tianna Arata, photo via Instagram Black Lives Matter leader Tianna Arata was arrested last month by the San Luis Obispo Police Department (SLOPD) after a protest she organized turned violent. The 20-year-old California-based activist organized a demonstration involving more than 300 people who blocked a highway and attacked a vehicle with a 4-year-old […]Read More

Nancy Pelosi Admits China Wants Joe Biden To Be Elected

During a recent appearance on CNN, Nancy Pelosi admitted that China would rather have Biden elected president in November. Does she realize this is not a good thing? Does she know Trump has been making this point for weeks? She has a real talent for saying the quiet part out loud. The Federalist reports: Nancy […]Read More

Trump and TGP Were Right: Obamagate Started in 2015 –

We were the first to report at The Gateway Pundit that the Deep State was spying on candidate Trump in 2015. President Trump tweeted the story the following day and the fake news mainstream media immediately attacked him for promoting a conspiracy theory. Now we know that we were 100% correct and so was President […]Read More

NY City Police Pelted by Mob with Ice Bottles and

An 11-year-old girl was beat, slapped, punched, kicked and shocked with a stun gun after she was assaulted by five other girls in Harlem last night. The girl was beaten and bloody but the New York Post said police let the violence play out. Wouldn’t you think the violent girls would get the blame for […]Read More