• September 20, 2024


Top Democrat Jerry Nadler Confronted – Asked to Disavow Leftist

Antifa — Democrat sanctioned violence Conservative filmmaker ‘Fleccas‘ traveled to Washington DC this weekend where he ran into Democrat Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. Fleccas asked Nadler to denounce the Antifa terrorists ripping about Portland and several US cities. Nadler’s response, “That’s a myth.” I ran into Jerry Nadler […]Read More

“There’s Gonna Be a Lot of Bloodshed When They Come”

A Democrat caller named “John” called into CSPAN this weekend and appeared to use the murder of black Republican Bernell Trammell in Milwaukee as a warning to Trump supporters and federal agents who may be sent to the city to quell leftist rioters. CSPAN Caller John: This morning a Trump supporter was killed. Was shot […]Read More

BREAKING UPDATE: Austin Police Release Driver Who Shot and Killed

Police have confirmed that two people fired shots during an altercation in Austin on Saturday night between a motorist and a Black Lives Matter protester, during which the protester was shot and killed. As reported earlier by Cassandra Fairbanks… Police say that the man who was killed, Garrett Foster, was armed and confronted the vehicle […]Read More

LAPD Officers Fed Up with Violent Protesters in Downtown Los

  It looks like LAPD officers have had enough of the violence. An angry mob gathered outside of City Hall in downtown Los Angeles Saturday evening demanding ‘justice.’ Police officers confronted a female protester standing in the middle of a street when a man rushed in out of no where and tackled an officer, knocking […]Read More

BREAKING: Rioters Set Fire to Oakland Courthouse and Attack Police

Rioters in Oakland, California, set fire to the Alameda County Superior Courthouse and attacked the police station. Hundreds of people were in the streets of Oakland in solidarity with the rioters in Portland, who have been out in force for nearly 60 days straight. Small blaze set inside Alameda county courthouse. #oaklandprotest You may not […]Read More