• September 19, 2024


CNN Host Who Talked About Russia Non-Stop For Years Wonders

CNN’s Brian Stelter is a one-stop shop for Trump Derangement Syndrome. For the past three years, he has talked about the Russia hoax constantly and pushed the idea that Trump had colluded. Now that the truth is surfacing, specifically in the Michael Flynn case, he suddenly wonders why people on the right are obsessed with […]Read More

Obama CIA Chief John Brennan Under Fire for the Creation

John Brennan under the spotlight! In January 2017, the US Intelligence community released a report, at former President Barack Obama’s request a couple weeks prior, to determine Russia’s influence into the 2016 election.  A bogus report was created and it is reportedly under review curently by John Durham, the US Attorney selected by AG Barr […]Read More

Fauci Emails NY Times Reporter With Warning of ‘Needless Suffering

Dr. Anthony Fauci emailed New York Times reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg Monday night with a preview of his message for a Senate hearing on Tuesday in which he warns of “needless suffering and death” if the country opens “prematurely” from the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdowns. Fauci, who is on ‘modified quarantine’ for contact with someone […]Read More

STUNNING: In the US 39% of All US COVID-19 Deaths

(Source: G. Girvan / FREOPP; Graphic: A. Roy / FREOPP) new study by reveled that 39% of all US coronavirus deaths occurred in nursing homes. That comes out to 31,900 Deaths in Nursing Homes! That is a really shocking number! 49,895 deaths were outside of nursing homes. Which is what you might expect from a […]Read More

HUGE! Clinton Campaign Attorney Mark Elias Admitted in Testimony He

Hillary Campaign Manager Robbie Mook On Saturday The Gateway Pundit reported that thanks to newly released transcripts Hillary Campaign chairman John Podesta admitted during testimony that both the DNC and Hillary Campaign split the cost of the bogus Trump-Russia dossier in 2016 that initially launched the attempted coup against Donald Trump. John Podesta was Hillary […]Read More

Single Mother Arrested and Cuffed in de Blasio’s New York

A single mother was arrested in New York City on Friday for protesting against Mayor Bill de Blasio’s endless lockdown. The police arrested nine individuals for exercising their constitutional right to protest a tyrannical government. Via Michael Gee. #nyc@NYGovCuomo⁩ orders prohibited protesting, lock them up. #nypd arrested peaceful protestors 5/9/20 at City Hall. There isnt […]Read More

President Trump Calls for Chuck Todd to Be Fired After

President Trump called for NBC to fire Meet the Press host Chuck Todd Sunday night after Todd used a deceptively edited video clip of Attorney General William Barr to smear Barr about his decision to drop the Justice Department case against former Trump National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (U.S. Army Ret.). Trump copied […]Read More