• July 1, 2024

Editor @Investigator_50

EMPTY shipping containers pile up in LA WHILE CHINA has

by Tori Richards, Investigative Reporter | October 25, 2021 Keeping An Eye On The Biden Administration: Los Angeles ports are buried under 40-foot shipping containers, but across the sea, Chinese businesses are begging for them. As the ubiquitous steel boxes clog the ports, local streets, and seemingly any unused lot around the coast, both California Gov. […]Read More

Israel’s Shadow War Dented Iran’s Takeover of Syria, But Only

by Yaakov Lappin IPT News October 25, 2021 Explosive drones likely launched by Iranian-backed militias last Wednesday night targeted the At-Tanf U.S. airbase in eastern Syria, near the Iraqi and Jordanian borders. The strike appears to be in retaliation for alleged Israeli strikes on Iranian-linked targets in Syria, which the Syrian regime said came from the direction of the […]Read More

‘Liberals’ rule flag is racist! by Don Frost

By Don Frost             You’re a thoughtful citizen who has been watching police being vilified as “racist pigs” and “Gestapo-like thugs.” You know that some police officers are, indeed, racists and some abuse their authority. But you also realize that common sense dictates that most cops are decent human beings doing a tough and dangerous […]Read More

Ignored by the FDA covid shot . Help Maddie

by SilentPartner / 1 day ago 13-year-old Maddie de Garay volunteered for the Pfizer vaccine clinical trials. She volunteered to help, but did not expect that she would suffer significant Pfizer vaccine-related injuries. Maddie’s mother will be testifying at the FDA’s VRBPAC Meeting on Pfizer Data on October 26th. The public can submit public comments to the FDA […]Read More

FOIA : A Powerful Weapon against Government Overreach !

By  NYGuy13   As we’ve learned in the recent battle against critical race theory (CRT) being taught in schools, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) can be a powerful tool at exposing leftist infiltration of our government institutions and government overreach. Let’s take a closer look at FOIA and some useful resources to help Conservative […]Read More

INVESTIGATION – Official Government reports suggest the Fully Vaccinated will

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON OCTOBER 23, 2021 • ( 17 COMMENTS ) The last 7 Public Health England / UK Health Security Agency ‘Vaccine Surveillance’ report figures on Covid-19 cases show that double vaccinated 40-79 year-olds have now lost lost 50% of their immune system capability and are consistently losing a further 5% every week (between 3.9% and 8.8%). Projections therefore […]Read More

BioTech Analyst: Genetic Code Stolen, Changed With PCR Tests, Shots

Rumble — Karen Kingston is a former Pfizer employee and a biotech analyst. Kingston joined Stew Peters to reveal how the PCR tests many are subjected to are hijacking your genetic code and transmitting the information back to China. Dr. Zelenko Protocol: www.zStackProtocol.com Go Ad-Free, Get Exclusive Content, Become a Premium user: https://redvoicemedia.com/premium Follow Stew on social media: http://evrl.ink/StewPeters See […]Read More

Swearer in chief: Biden’s foul language detailed in new report

A new report offers a look into the swear-word vocabulary employed by President Joe Biden when he gets frustrated. “F*** them” and “What the f*** are we doing?” are among the profane comments Biden has made behind doors, current and former aides told Politico . “Why the f*** isn’t this happening?”, “bulls***,” “dammit,” or simply “f***,” have also been employed in […]Read More