• July 1, 2024

Editor @Investigator_50

A week of HUGE wins for Parental Rights ! 

I’ll keep this brief, but I want to update you on three BIG wins for Parents Defending Education this week.   These wins could not be possible without support and investment from allies like you. If you’re as excited as we are about victories like these, I hope you’ll help us keep pressing forward by […]Read More

‘Build Back… You Know, The Thing’: Americans Have No Idea

BY TYLER DURDEN FRIDAY, OCT 22, 2021  While Congressional Democrats spar over the ultimate size of President Biden’s “Build Back Better” economic plan, Bloomberg astutely points out that Americans have no clue what they’re signing up for with their tax dollars. In fact, according to a CBS News poll published Oct. 10, just 10% of Americans say they know the specifics of […]Read More

Inspector general insists McCabe lied repeatedly after Biden DOJ reverses

by Jerry Dunleavy, Justice Department Reporter || October 21, 2021 08:13 PM The Justice Department’s internal watchdog stood by his determination that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe lied repeatedly during a criminal leak investigation after the agency under President Joe Biden reached a settlement last week reversing his firing . DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz appeared for a Senate Homeland Security […]Read More

Majority now disapproves of Biden’s handling of economy: Poll

by Zachary Halaschak, Economics Reporter | | October 21   A majority of people disapprove of the way President Joe Biden’s administration has been handling the economy, a new survey found. A CNBC poll released Thursday found that 54% disapprove of how Biden has dealt with the economy, while just 40% approve. Biden’s disapproval increased by 7 percentage points […]Read More


True the Vote and Intercessors for America Launch Pray the Vote Project in Advance of Election Largest Interactive Election Prayer Initiative in History Guides Americans to Pray for Election Integrity HOUSTON, Texas – As early voting continues in many states, True the Vote, together with Intercessors for America, today launched the Pray the Vote Project, the largest interactive […]Read More


jazbrogonzo Published October 19, 2021   Rumble — After the last few yrs of sh**ting writing regarding the Man Of Steel…The BIG heads at DC decided to triple down turning the Son Of Kal-El towards the GAYNESS & now ditching Superman’s decades old mantra “Truth, Justice & The American Way” to “Truth, Justice & inclusive & diversity…” WTFU**??? #DC […]Read More