• September 28, 2024

Editor @Investigator_50

Finally the layers of the DEEP STATE start to open

The term “DEEP STATE ” refers to shadowy networks of individuals within governments that work to undermine the political body of that nation! BREAKING: ICIG Michael Atkinson, who modified whistle-blower forms & allowed hearsay CIA leaker, was chief legal counsel for DOJ-NSD over #KevinClinesmith & #SallyMoyer who may have FALSIFIED @FBI DOCUMENTS to Obtain ILLEGAL […]Read More

I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the New York

Anonymous Since Donald Trump won the 2016 election, America’s paper of record has become a house organ for his resistance. Pet issues like polyamory have received too much attention, while important issues like Hunter Biden’s corruption have received scant follow up. Those interested, I am presently considering offers for representation to tell the rest of […]Read More

In Asia’s largest Terrorist attacks, Bengali Muslim Islamic Terrorists known

newscommuniqueco Bengali Muslim Islamic Terrorists known (also known as Rohingya) committed Asia’s largest Genocide and the Terrorist act in Rakhin State in Myanmar in 2017. Hundreds of Buddhists and Hindus were killed in different villages in a coordinated attack by these Bengali Muslim Terrorists. However, because the Buddhists and Hindus were killed, the International Media […]Read More

Are Leftist Liberals promoting Communism around the world?

by newscommuniquecom China, Communism, Democracy, North Korea, US Is Communism a Revolution or a Threat? Lets explore this. When we converse about this political term “communism”, we sometimes use to get confused with political dilemma of “liberty” in communism. Well to be clear, Communism and Liberalism are two different aspects. Communism is more like Dictatorship and Totalitarianism, while liberty means […]Read More

You Say You Want A Revolution?

Author: Conservative Detective, JEFFREY A. FRIEDBERG OPINION: BY JEFFREY A FRIEDBERG You say you want a revolutionWell, you knowWe all want to change the worldYou tell me that it’s evolutionWell, you knowWe all want to change the world…. —The Beatles, Lennon-Macartney, REVOLUTION, 1968 As I’ve asked before, “Where do you go to have a revolution?” Is there […]Read More

Moviegoers are loving pro-free speech movie ‘No Safe Spaces,’ but

By Andrew J. Sciascia, The Western Journal November 28, 2019  Much to the chagrin of the establishment media and Hollywood elite, an indie free speech film is making serious waves with American audiences in its opening weeks. That film, the brainchild of conservative commentator Dennis Prager and comedian Adam Carolla, is “No Safe Spaces” — a documentary aimed […]Read More


newscommuniquecom 0 Comment US 26/11, attack, Mohajirs, Terrorist, US Protests in Washington DC outside Pakistan’s embassy were organized by members of different ethnic groups including Mohajirs, Sindhis, Baloch, Gilgit-Baltistan from Pakistan on Tuesday 26-November 2019 against Pakistan’s role in 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks. They carried different Placards and chanted slogans against Pakistan, Pakistan Army and Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI. Protesters also chanted […]Read More

The First Thanksgiving in America

Both Presidents Lincoln and Washington knew that giving thanks to our creator was an essential factor in defining our nation. They knew that Thanksgiving was an essential part of who we were. Lincoln asked all of us individually to take a moment and reflect upon this day and give thanks for our individual blessings. He […]Read More

A True American Thanksgiving

Our First Presidents Proclamation on Giving Thanks All throughout my school years, I was taught that it was the Pilgrims, celebrating their first harvest, that established the First Thanksgiving.  You can imagine my surprise, when I did a bit of research and found out that it isn’t necessarily the true origins of our Thursday Thanksgiving […]Read More