• June 21, 2024


US Drug-Overdose Deaths Soared to a Record 93,000 in 2020

US drug-overdose deaths soared to a record 93,331 in 2020 during the Covid lockdowns, according to the CDC. The CDC said the increase in overdose deaths was driven by fentanyl and stress related to the lockdowns. 12 Month-ending Provisional Number of Drug Overdose Deaths: Ten states had at least a 40% rise in overdose deaths […]Read More

FANTASTIC! Tucker Carlson Covers the Election Fraud in Fulton County

There is no greater issue today in the United States than the November 3rd election fraud. Without free and fair democratic elections the United States will cease to exist. We understand this at The Gateway Pundit – We’ve always understood this. On Wednesday night FOX News host Tucker Carlson reported on several questionable activities that […]Read More

ARIZONA AUDIT: Discrepancies Found – Ballot Totals Do Not Match

New findings are expected from the Arizona audit in the next 48 hours per One America News Network. The Gateway Pundit reported that Senate President Karen Fann said the ballot totals do not match. BREAKING: AZ Senate Leader Announces The NUMBERS DON’T MATCH in Arizona Forensic Audit OANN reporter Christina Bobb tweeted that further findings […]Read More

Arizona Audit Update: New Machines In Use With New Equipment

Audit Official Calibrates New Machines With Orange Shirt Oversight The Arizona audit continued on Tuesday with new ballot-counting machines and new equipment to prepare the ballots to be counted. The Gateway Pundit reported that the new machines were moved onsight in order to guarantee 100% accuracy in the ballot totals. EXCLUSIVE: New Machines Used to […]Read More

Senate Democrats Unveil $3.5 Trillion ‘Infrastructure’ Bill – Will Attempt

What inflation? Senate Democrats unveiled a $3.5 trillion “infrastructure” bill that they will try to pass through “reconciliation” with ZERO Republican votes needed. This bill is in addition to the $1 trillion ‘bipartisan’ infrastructure, bill bringing the total spending to approximately $4.5 trillion. The Democrats can’t get rid of the filibuster so they are using […]Read More

Conservative Talk Radio Host Larry Elder Enters The Race For

Several weeks ago, Caitlyn Jenner announced a run for governor of California as a Republican. Now another candidate has entered the race. Conservative talk radio host Larry Elder is running. You may also know Elder from his many appearances on FOX News over the years. Elder is a real-deal conservative. The Associated Press reports: Radio […]Read More