• June 15, 2024


Garland Favorito and VoterGA to Hold Presser Tuesday Morning —

Garland Favorito, the founder of the election integrity group VoterGA, will hold a press conference on Tuesday morning. VoterGA will review highlights of its amended ballot inspection complaint and provide proof that election fraud occurred in the November 2020 election. The press conference will start at 10:30 AM Eastern. Garland told The Gateway Pundit on […]Read More

Capitol Police Will Use Military Surveillance Equipment on Citizens to

Biden’s authoritarian regime is expanding its power at an alarming rate in the aftermath of the January 6th protest. Last week, after Nancy Pelosi announced that they would be opening ‘state-police’ offices in key regions across the country, the Capitol Hill Police are now being reclassified as “an intelligence-based protective agency.” They will be given […]Read More

“He Didn’t Give a Sh*t About the President” – Bernard

Earlier today news broke that the RNC Chief Counsel Justin Riemer and the RNC abandoned Trump way back in November following the stolen election. Riemer was questioning why his RNC party colleagues were supporting President Trump’s allegations of voter fraud. The email was texted to Trump attorney Jenna Ellis who passed it on to Rudy […]Read More

President Trump Says His Suit Against Big Tech Is to

President Trump sues Big Tech for its attack on free speech.  In response, YouTube blocks his speech at CPAC. President Trump shared in today’s CPAC speech that he filed a major class-action suit against Big Tech to protect free speech: TRUMP: “The Radical Left and Big Tech’s attack on free speech is unlawful, it’s unconstitutional […]Read More

Rest In Peace – Former FBI Agent James Kallstrom Dies

Rest in peace James Kallstrom Over the past few years, James Kallstrom was the one voice from the FBI who led you to believe the FBI still had hope. In an interview with FOX Business legend Lou Dobbs, Kallstrom called Jim Comey a total narcissist and more. [Jim Comey] An educated nitwit and he promoted […]Read More

Republicans Introduce Plan To Allow Users To Sue Big Tech

Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee are pushing a plan to regulate social media companies, in part, by allowing users who have been censored to sue the Big Tech firms which they describe as “monopolies.” If enacted, the plan, which is meant to serve as a foundation for future legislation, may have significant implications for massive […]Read More

Media Laughs at Old, Senile Joe Biden When He Said

Senile Joe Biden reportedly had a call with Russian President Vladimir Putin where he asked Putin to address the ransomware culprits working in Russia.  When Biden responded that there would be consequences for Russia’s reported misdeeds the media all laughed.  American Military News reports: According to a White House readout of the call, Biden confronted […]Read More