• September 21, 2024


“Mayor John Cooper Is a Judas to This Town” –

As reported on Wednesday — Nashville Mayor’s office colluded with Nashville Health Department to hide actual COVID-19 numbers from the city because the numbers were so low. They wanted to hide this from the citizens. This email was sent by the mayor’s senior advisor to health department officials on July 30, 2020. They hid the […]Read More

Building Owner Pulls Out of Contract on Minneapolis Police Precinct

Black Lives Matter torch the 3rd Police Precinct in Minneapolis. As we all know, burning down Minneapolis’ 3rd police precinct kicked off the nationwide leftist riots after George Floyd’s death. Since that time, the 3rd precinct has been looking for a temporary home. The plan to relocate the temporary 3rd precinct headquarters to a warehouse […]Read More

AG Bill Barr Asked Federal Prosecutors to Consider Bringing Criminal

US Attorney General William Barr US Attorney General Bill Barr not only told federal prosecutors to charge violent rioters with sedition, he also asked them to explore whether they could bring criminal charges against Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan for allowing Antifa-BLM terrorists to establish a police-free zone dubbed CHOP/CHAZ. Bill Barr made these statements during […]Read More

DISGRACEFUL: Lindsey Graham Says Comey will Testify on Sept. 30

On May 1, 2019 Lindsey Graham, the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, promised investigations on the Spygate scandal. He made the the comments during testimony by US Attorney General Bill Barr in front of the US Senate. But Lindsey Graham lied. Lindsey Graham is a fraud. In October 2019 Maria Bartiromoconfronted Lindsey Graham about […]Read More

BREAKING: Standoff in Lynwood, California May Be Suspect Linked to

There are several reports that law enforcement believes the current standoff with a suspect in Lynwood, California may be connected to the shooting of the two Deputies on Saturday night. NBC reporter Eric Leonardsays the search tonight is linked to the shooting on Saturday night. #Breaking: Standoff in Lynwood may be connected to the manhunt […]Read More