• September 19, 2024


Far Left Protester Recording BLM/Antifa Mayhem in Portland Gets Shot

A far left protester recording Black Lives Matter/Antifa mayhem in Portland this week got shot in the hand during a live stream. She received treatment from “street medics.” WATCH (graphic): A protester recording a violent antifa/BLM protest in Portland this week got shot in the hand during a live stream. She received treatment from “street […]Read More

George Washington Statue Toppled by Antifa Black Lives Matter Mob

A statue of George Washington was toppled by Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters in Portland, Oregon Thursday night. The statue and its base were spray-pained with anti-American slogans including the New York Times “1619” propaganda slur. American flags were burned on Washington. No police were present until the statue was felled. There’s now a […]Read More

Angry Antifa Girl Arrested in Seattle After Lighting 5 Seattle

Antifa arsonist caught in Seattle Antifa member Margaret Aislinn Channon went missing in Presidio, Texas last year. Antifa member Margaret Aislinn Channon faces federal arson charges. She was reported missing in Texas last year. https://t.co/0A3C0wA6d6pic.twitter.com/NE0mV7rgLJ — Patriot Betty (@Patriot_Betty) June 12, 2020 Well, they found her this week! Margaret Aislinn Channon was arrested in Seattle […]Read More

Twitter Censors President Trump, Labels His Parody Video Tweet Mocking

Twitter censored President Trump again on Thursday night. The President tweeted out a hilarious video mocking fake news CNN and Twitter jumped in and labeled it “manipulated media.” The ‘doctored’ video was a spoof on a previous report by CNN of a black and white toddler hugging. “Terrified toddler runs from racist baby.” CNN’s chyron […]Read More

Thug Arrested For Punching 92-Year-Old Woman and Knocking Her to

A 92-year-old woman was brutally knocked down in a random broad daylight attack in Manhattan last Friday. The video was captured on security camera. The 92-year-old woman was walking down the street with her walker when 31-year-old Rashid Brimmage walked by and punched her in the side of the face. WATCH: WANTED for ASSAULT: Do […]Read More

CONFIRMED: Atlanta Police Call Out After Officer Garrett Rolfe is

Vince Champion — southeast regional director of the International Brotherhood of Police officers There are reports tonight that police officers in Atlanta, Georgia walked off the job tonight after murder charges were filed against Officer Garrett Rolfe in the death of Rayshard Brooks last weekend. Listen to Zone 6 radios are silent not sure if […]Read More

BLM Supporters Attend Church Service and Get Baptized Where George

Woke Black Lives Matter supporters attended church services and even got baptized in Minneapolis where George Floyd died. A Minneapolis police officer was charged after killing George Floyd last month. George Floyd’s death sparked riots worldwide and he has been turned into some sort of saint despite his abysmal history of violent crimes. WATCH: Place […]Read More