• September 18, 2024


Seattle Officials Deliver Porta Potties in Support of Antifa –

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan Far left Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan lashed out at President Trump on Thursday evening and threw her support behind the leftist insurrection. President Trump fired a warning shot to radical Democrat governor Jay Inslee and the Seattle Mayor on Thursday. “Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I […]Read More

Democrat House Candidate In Texas: ‘If People Loot, So What?

Democrats are now siding with the people who are breaking the law. In Texas, Kim Olson is a Democrat running for a House seat. During a video conference this week, she came right out and said “Burn it to the ground.” Is this a person Texans want representing them? The Washington Examiner reports: Democratic House […]Read More

MUST SEE: “Move Or Get Your Ass Whooped! Period!” –

The white liberal protesters weren’t expecting this! A group of dumb Black Lives Matter protesters, mostly guilty white liberals, shut down an intersection for what the media would call a “peaceful protest.” This is getting really old. Infringing on another person’s rights is not a “peaceful protest” it is thuggery. And that is what these […]Read More

Christopher Columbus Statue Toppled and Thrown in Lake in Richmond,

The Maoist-America cultural revolution continued apace Tuesday night with the toppling of Richmond, Virginia’s statue of New World discoverer Christopher Columbus by Black Lives Matter protesters who marched down Arthur Ashe Boulevard to Byrd Park. The statue in Byrd Park was taken down, a fire set and eventually it was dragged to a nearby lake […]Read More

Former VA Governor Recorded Saying Democrats Prefer Biden Stay In

Joe Biden has been campaigning from his basement for months now, and some Democrats want to keep it that way. Terry McAuliffe, the former governor of Virginia, was recorded on a video conference with other Democrats saying it’s basically better for Biden to be in the basement. FOX News reports: Terry McAuliffe recorded saying Dems […]Read More