• September 16, 2024


BREAKING: Mob Rioters Storm 3rd Precinct in Minneapolis – Set

Where is the National Guard?! Protests erupted on Wednesday and continued into Thursday after a Minneapolis police officer killed a black man named George Floyd using excessive force during an arrest on Monday. Governor Walz signed an executive order calling in the National Guard to “to help protect Minnesotans’ safety and maintain peace in the […]Read More

DOJ Spox Kerri Kupec: DOJ Will Weigh in AGAIN on

Department of Justice spokesperson Kerri Kupec joined Sean Hannity on Wednesday night to discuss the unmasking investigations by the DOJ and updates on the General Michael Flynn case. Kerri Kupec told Sean the DOJ was asked to weigh in on the actions by Judge Emmet Sullivan in the General Flynn case. Sean Hannity:  The DC […]Read More

Minneapolis Mayor Asks for National Guard After Night of Riots

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey (D) has asked Governor Tim Walz (D) to deploy National Guard troops after riots broke out and fires set in south Minneapolis during protests over the videotaped police killing Monday of George Floyd by an officer kneeling on his neck until he was dead. Floyd was arrested on suspicion of “forgery […]Read More

Savage Animals Looting in Minneapolis Violently Attack Old Lady in

Savage animals looting a Minneapolis Target during a riot over “police brutality” attacked an elderly white woman in a wheelchair on Wednesday evening. The person who posted the video claimed that the nearly immobile woman was “stabbing people,” though it appeared she was attacked for being in the way of looters trying to get out […]Read More

Tucker Carlson: CNN And MSNBC Peddling Panic, Not Science Or

CNN and MSNBC have done everything they can over the last few months to politicize the Coronavirus crisis. They have blamed Trump, and his supporters, accused them of being stupid and selfish. They have stoked fear over Republican governors opening their states and have tried to make the shutdowns go on longer. Tucker Carlson did […]Read More

‘Black Lives Matter’ Protesters Block 101 Freeway in Los Angeles,

First Minneapolis, now Los Angeles. ‘Black Lives Matter’ protesters on Wednesday afternoon blocked the 101 freeway in Los Angeles and attacked police cars during a George Floyd protest. A Minneapolis police officer was filmed kneeling on a black man’s neck on Monday. The victim, George Floyd, said he couldn’t breathe but the police officer kept […]Read More

DOJ Closes Insider-Trading Probe Into Senators Feinstein, Loeffler, Inhofe

Dianne Feinstein The Justice Department closed its insider-trading investigation into Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) and James Inhofe (R-OK). The FBI investigation into Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) however is still ongoing. In March, news broke that Republican senators Richard Burr, Kelly Loeffler, and Jim Inhofe sold significant stock shares following a January 24th […]Read More

UPDATE: Study Finds Just 1.8% of US Population is in

(Source: G. Girvan / FREOPP; Graphic: A. Roy / FREOPP) n updated study revealed 42% of all US coronavirus deaths occurred in nursing homes. That comes out to over 40,000 Deaths in Nursing Homes! That is a bloodbath!! Another 60,000 deaths were outside of nursing homes. Which is what you might expect from a typical […]Read More

Texas Is Open And Governor Greg Abbott Says State Has

Greg Abbott, the Republican Governor of Texas, has reopened the state and things are going well there. He says that their Coronavirus death rate is way down, and so is their hospitalization rate. FOX News reports: Abbott says Texas has fewest coronavirus fatalities since March, fewest hospitalizations since April Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced that […]Read More