• September 19, 2024


Obama Takes Veiled Swipe at Trump in Black Colleges Virtual

Former President Barack Obama took a veiled swipe at President Trump during a virtual commencement address for HBCU (historically black colleges and universities) on Saturday. ““More than anything, this pandemic has fully, finally torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what they’re doing. A lot of […]Read More

If You Are Under Age 29 You Are More Likely

The number of deaths from coronavirus in the US has been plummeting since mid April. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) there were 78 coronavirus deaths in the United State in the 0 to 29-year-old age group this year. The numbers were totaled from the week ending Feb. 1 2020 to May 9, […]Read More

Facts from Victor Davis Hanson: Greater Chance of Death During

On Friday night Victor Davis Hanson joined Laura Ingraham on The Ingraham Angle to discuss the tyrannical Democrat governors who are refusing to follow science and instead are putting unrealistic expectations on the situation in their state before they left their lockdowns. During their discussion Victor Davis Hanson argued that the risk of death from […]Read More

Chris Christie Schools Joy Behar Of The View On What

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie recently appeared on The View and had to educate Joy Behar. She insisted that Republicans haven’t done anything to support the American people during the Coronavirus crisis. She suggested that only big businesses have gotten financial help, which is a complete lie. Christie calmly set the record straight. FOX […]Read More

Pompeo Fires Deep State IG Steve Linick an Obama Holdover

State Department Inspector General and Deep State hack Steve Linick was fired on Friday night. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo fired the anti-Trump Obama holdover. Linick served as State Department IG since 2013 Linick played a role in the faux impeachment of President Trump over Ukraine. Linick requested an urgent meeting with Congressional Democrat staffers. […]Read More

Chinese State Media Warns China will Interfere in US 2020

The Chinese Communist Regime is furious after US lawmakers brought lawsuits against the regime for the destruction of the coronavirus on US lives and economy. The regime is considering punitive countermeasures against US lawmakers and US firms behind the coronavirus lawsuits. The regime is also threatening to retaliate against lawmakers and their home states. China […]Read More

Biden Actually Said This… Coronavirus ‘Has Cost Us More Than

77-year-old Biden held a virtual round table to discuss the Coronavirus from his basement on Thursday. As usual, his virtual town hall was marred by glitches and audio problems. Biden struggled for 20 seconds to remember who briefs him on the Coronavirus every morning. Then he confused the number of Coronavirus deaths in the US […]Read More

Greg Gutfeld: Something Has Got To Be Done About Adam

During an episode of The Five on FOX News this week, Greg Gutfeld said that Adam Schiff needs to suffer some form of consequences for what he put the country through over the last three years. When it comes to the Russia investigation and the Democrat impeachment circus, Schiff was the ringleader and he wasted […]Read More