• June 26, 2024

Turn The Page or Lose Your Children to Indoctrination

Turn The Page or Lose Your Children to Indoctrination The education system is supposed to engage children to open their minds and expand their knowledge. Unfortunately, the “system” is one of indoctrination rather than education. Schools all across the country, and the world for that matter, have been teaching children social and political agendas to […]Read More

Twitter to ban all political advertising

Twitter to ban all political advertising, raising pressure on Facebook jack ??? (@jack) We’ve made the decision to stop all political advertising on Twitter globally. We believe political message reach should be earned, not bought. Why? A few reasons…? We’ve made the decision to stop all political advertising on Twitter globally. We believe political message […]Read More

‘Apologize for Being Born Male’ ?

Dan Bongino: ‘You’re Out of Your Freaking Mind’ if You Think I’m Going to ‘Apologize for Being Born Male’ By Craig Bannister | September 19, 2019 | 10:52am EDT Dan Bongino Conservative commentator and former policeman Dan Bongino responded Wednesday to “the liberal lunatics out there” who are accusing all men of “toxic masculinity.” President […]Read More

JOE BIDEN LIED – Contacted Federal Agencies at Least Twice

by Jim Hoft It sounds like a crime ring. Then Senator Joe Biden contacted federal agencies at least twice to intervene on behalf of his drug-addicted son’s lobbying firm. This is in complete contradiction to what Joe Biden said in August. Biden told Politico, “I’ve never discussed with my son or my brother, or anyone […]Read More

Mother of Kayla Mueller: My Daughter Might Still Be Alive

BY JOHN BOWDEN – 10/27/19 US ISIS hostage Kayla Mueller was tortured and repeatedly raped by ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi before her death in 2015. Kayla was held by ISIS for 18 months before she was killed. Counter-terrorism officials believe Mueller may have been married off to Baghdadi while she was in captivity.   The Hill reported: […]Read More

Sounds Like We’re Going to Hear Important Info About Possible

Deep Multiple reports have indicated that the Durham investigation has now turned into a criminal investigation with U.S. Attorney John Durham being very interested in talking with both the former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and the former CIA Director John Brennan. Reports have suggested that the investigation changed and expanded in nature when […]Read More