• June 16, 2024

CAIR’s Sloppy Smear of an Israeli Police Exchange Program

by Steven Emerson IPT News July 22, 2021 The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Georgia chapter was intent on making news Monday, but apparently it couldn’t decide how. The objective was clear – to smear the Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE), because GILEE takes American police leaders to Israel. It’s part of a years-long campaign by […]Read More

POLL: Majority Of Voters Want Antifa And BLM Investigated More

Since the moment Democrats took power in January of this year, they have painted what happened at the Capitol as a supposed “insurrection.” They have painted Trump supporters and other conservatives as terrorists. The FBI has spent countless hours and resources rounding up people who were involved. Nancy Pelosi is even forming a new commission […]Read More

Biden Flirts with Man’s Wife, Rambles About “A Man on

What did we just watch? Joe Biden’s CNN town hall in Cincinnati, Ohio Wednesday evening is a total dumpster fire. Biden is unable to string a sentence together because of his dementia. The third question of the night came from a Democrat newlywed who asked Biden about vaccine hesitancy in the black community. Creepy Joe […]Read More

Even the Audience is Fake: Check Out the Crowd at

It’s well known that whenever CNN has a town hall event for a Democrat it’s always a pre-staged and packaged event. CNN hack Donna Brazile cheated and gave Hillary the questions before her debate with Bernie Sanders. CNN filled up its 2007 Hillary Clinton town hall with Democrat operatives. CNNstacked its anti-gun town hall in […]Read More

Voting machines in Pennsylvania’s Fulton County decertified after audit

by Jake Dima, Breaking News Reporter |   | July 21, 2021 Voting machines in Pennsylvania‘s Fulton County were decertified after local officials complied with a GOP-backed ballot audit and allowed a third-party contractor to access data. The rural county, which borders Maryland, must do away with its Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5A voting system, employed in the 2020 presidential election, […]Read More

New Nuclear Deal Would Empower the Iranian Regime

by Hany Ghoraba IPT News July 21, 2021   The current, bumpy negotiations aimed at preventing the Iranian regime from developing nuclear weapons are among the Biden administration’s highest priorities. The administration lifted sanctions on more than a dozen former Iranian officials in June, a move that Iranian officials viewed as a victory. Iran even claimed that 1,000 more […]Read More

Byron York’s Daily Memo: The FBI, the Michigan kidnap plot,

Welcome to Byron York’s Daily Memo newsletter.   Was this email forwarded to you? Sign up here to receive the newsletter. THE FBI, THE MICHIGAN KIDNAP PLOT, AND JANUARY 6. You should read this new story in Buzzfeed News on the plot to kidnap Michigan’s Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer. It concerns the arrests last October of more than a dozen […]Read More