• June 26, 2024

Even the Audience is Fake: Check Out the Crowd at

It’s well known that whenever CNN has a town hall event for a Democrat it’s always a pre-staged and packaged event. CNN hack Donna Brazile cheated and gave Hillary the questions before her debate with Bernie Sanders. CNN filled up its 2007 Hillary Clinton town hall with Democrat operatives. CNNstacked its anti-gun town hall in […]Read More

Voting machines in Pennsylvania’s Fulton County decertified after audit

by Jake Dima, Breaking News Reporter |   | July 21, 2021 Voting machines in Pennsylvania‘s Fulton County were decertified after local officials complied with a GOP-backed ballot audit and allowed a third-party contractor to access data. The rural county, which borders Maryland, must do away with its Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5A voting system, employed in the 2020 presidential election, […]Read More

New Nuclear Deal Would Empower the Iranian Regime

by Hany Ghoraba IPT News July 21, 2021   The current, bumpy negotiations aimed at preventing the Iranian regime from developing nuclear weapons are among the Biden administration’s highest priorities. The administration lifted sanctions on more than a dozen former Iranian officials in June, a move that Iranian officials viewed as a victory. Iran even claimed that 1,000 more […]Read More

Byron York’s Daily Memo: The FBI, the Michigan kidnap plot,

Welcome to Byron York’s Daily Memo newsletter.   Was this email forwarded to you? Sign up here to receive the newsletter. THE FBI, THE MICHIGAN KIDNAP PLOT, AND JANUARY 6. You should read this new story in Buzzfeed News on the plot to kidnap Michigan’s Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer. It concerns the arrests last October of more than a dozen […]Read More

Democrats Add Funding Of ‘Civilian Climate Corps’ To Infrastructure Bill

Have you noticed that the word ‘infrastructure’ has been changed to mean anything Democrats want? Their new infrastructure bill is now going to include the ‘civilian climate corps’ whatever that is. It sounds like a job creation plan for environmental activists. The Washington Examiner reports: ‘Civilian Climate Corps’ to be part of Senate Democrats’ infrastructure […]Read More

Rand Paul: “I Will be Sending a Letter to the

Senator Rand Paul Tuesday night said he is sending a letter to the Department of Justice asking for a criminal referral into Dr. Fauci. Earlier Tuesday Rand Paul ripped arrogant Fauci during a hearing on the nation’s Covid response efforts. Fauci testified and responded to questions about the NIH’s role in funding gain-of-function research at […]Read More

Pelosi Staff Members Come Down with Covid After Meeting with

The Texas Democrats — spreading COVID with a case of beer and a smile. The White House confirmed today that a Pelosi staffer came down with COVID after meeting with the Texas Democrat superspreaders. The AWOL Democrats fled to DC in order to shut down democracy in Texas. They’s been spreading the Corona ever since. […]Read More