• June 21, 2024


Key Crossing Falls to Taliban and Opens Direct Access to

Days after The Washington Post, in an editorial about President Joe Biden’s Afghanistan policy, editorialized that “tragedy appears to be unfolding more quickly than even many of the pessimists imagined,” Taliban troops cemented their hold on the deteriorating nation. The Taliban on Thursday seized an Afghan border crossing with Iran, according to The Associated Press, […]Read More

Dennis Prager Is a Prophet Deserving Honor

A viral email is now circulating that I think needs to be identified properly and the author fully credited. It is titled: Speech Every American High School Principal Should Give The speech that showed up in my inbox did not list an author. So I did a quick search and discovered that it was written […]Read More

Former White House Doctor Rep. Ronny Jackson On Biden Mental

Dr. Ronny Jackson was the White House doctor who administered a cognitive test to Donald Trump, which he passed with flying colors. Now Jackson is a member of Congress and he is extremely concerned about Biden’s cognitive state. He spoke to Sean Hannity about it and said it’s not a laughing matter. Breitbart reports: GOP […]Read More

California “Epsilon” Variant Could Evade Covid-19 Vaccines, Study Says

A new study says the California “Epsilon” variant could evade Covid-19 vaccines. The “Epsilon” variant’s 3 spike protein mutations could weaken vaccines by breaking down the neutralized antibodies, according to a study by the University of Washington School of Medicine. Science Daily reported: Three mutations in the Epsilon coronavirus spike protein dampen the neutralizing potency […]Read More

Kmart And Sears Cave To Leftist Trolls By Removing Ashli

Who shot Ashli Babbitt?- Former President Trump said Monday.  Click here to buy an ‘Ashli Babbitt’ T-Shirt from the store fighting back! TRUMP: “Who shot Ashli Babbitt?” pic.twitter.com/8eNBiqHP7a — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) July 5, 2021 Early Tuesday, The Gateway Pundit was able to confirm who shot Ashli Babbit and reported that Lt. Mike Byrd is who […]Read More

JUST IN: Eric Adams Wins Democrat Nomination For Mayor of

Eric Adams won the Democrat nomination for Mayor of New York City, the Associated Press reported Tuesday evening. Last week the NYC Mayoral primary devolved into chaos after the Board of Elections announced there was a “discrepancy” in the vote count. The vote tally last Tuesday afternoon showed Eric Adams leading Kathryn Garcia by approximately […]Read More