• June 25, 2024


New Video Shows Dominion’s Eric Coomer Admitting Their Voting Machine

Dr. Eric Coomer who is responsible for the strategy and Security at Dominion Voting Systems. Coomer is a staunch Never-Trumper and Antifa supporter.  His Facebook page was littered with Trump-hating propaganda before it was shut down. In 2016 Coomer told the Illinois States Board of Elections that it was possible to bypass election systems software. And […]Read More

Pence “Welcomes” Elector Challenge by Members of the House and

Vice President Mike Pence “welcomes” the challenge of electors by House and Senate Republicans, according to a statement by his Chief of Staff Marc Short reported Saturday evening by Axios’ Jonathan Swan, who posted the statement to Twitter. Pence will preside over Wednesday’s joint session of Congress to certify the Electoral College vote. Pence successfully […]Read More

Report: Biden’s Inaugural Parade Viewing Stands Taken Down – Parade

There are reports tonight that Beijing Biden canceled his inaugural parade. We cannon confirm this at this time. However, we know for certain the parade viewing stands were taken down this week. Parade viewing stands dismantled near White House as Biden team seeks to discourage inauguration crowds https://t.co/M2JEUvZhx0pic.twitter.com/ArCFd7I0me — Yahoo News (@YahooNews) December 31, 2020 […]Read More

FRAUD ALERT: Analysis of 3,000 Counties Reveals Joe Biden Received

recent video posted on Rumble by BasedMedia and DonaldWon.com revealed Joe Biden was given a 5% advantage over President Trump in counties using Dominion Voting Machines. According to the video — An unbiased by-county analysis of 2020 general election results of over 3000 U.S. counties shows large-scale skewing of election results in favor of Joe […]Read More

INSANITY: Democrat Rules Package for the 117th Congress Proposes Removing

The proposed rules package for the 117th Congress includes removing “gendered” terms like “mother,” “father,” “son,” and “daughter.” The new rules would also change “seamen” to “seafarers,” “chairman” to “chair” and “submit his or her resignation” to “resigns.” The proposal was announced by Democratic Massachusetts Rep. James McGovern, chairman of the Rules Committee, and Nancy […]Read More

Then It’s Not a Vaccine: Crazy Dr. Fauci Says Early

Crazy Dr. Fauci warns that early COVID-19 vaccines will only prevent symptoms from arising – not block infection. Then the early vaccines are NOT vaccines. That’s not how vaccines operate. What the hell is going on here? Assuming for a moment that this is true, and not his usual ignorant BS or outright lies and […]Read More