• September 21, 2024


Obama Trolls President Trump Over “Birther” Issue: ‘I Was Able

Barack Obama trolled President Trump over the “birther” issue during an appearance on “The Daily Show” with Trevor Noah on Monday evening. Back in 2007 Hillary Clinton and her campaign circulated a memo promoting Barack Obama’s “lack of American roots” and reportedly began the “birther controversy.” “[Barack Obama’s] roots to American values and culture are […]Read More

Rudy Giuliani Asks Why MI Sec. of State Benson Intervened

The untold story of a battle to reveal the truth about Dominion voting machines is brewing in Michigan and not surprisingly, it’s getting very little coverage by the mainstream media. In a solidly red county in northern Michigan where Trump banners, flags, and yard signs can be found in almost every front yard, voters woke […]Read More

BREAKING: US Treasury Reportedly Breached by Hackers Backed by a

The US Treasury was reportedly breached by foreign backed hackers. Reuters is reporting this evening: A sophisticated hacking group backed by a foreign government stole information from the U.S. Treasury Department and a U.S. agency responsible for deciding policy around the internet and telecommunications, according to people familiar with the matter. One cyber specialist commented […]Read More

Reports of At Least Four Stabbed in DC Following Stop

t least four people have been stabbed in DC following the massive pro-Trump ‘Stop the Steal’ rally, according to reports. Three people were stabbed in Washington DC tonight, during the Proud Boys rally. This person was stabbed on 11th street between E and F streets, just up the block away from Harry’s bar. Video by […]Read More

Newly Elected Los Angeles DA Says He Will No Longer

Newly elected Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón announced radical policy changes that he claimed are backed up by “science.” George Gascón was previously the DA of San Francisco and absolutely turned that place into a hell hole. Gascón’s “progressive” programs caused a historic surge in crime and during his tenure, San Francisco’s property crime […]Read More