• September 21, 2024


Kyle Rittenhouse Is Facing 170 Years – Here’s a Comparison

Earlier in the day on August 25th Kyle Rittenhouse was busy cleaning buildings after another night of Democrat BLM rioters damaging another US city.  That night young Rittenhouse was running for his life from BLM rioters.  Yesterday Rittenhouse was charged with up to 170 years for his actions that night. Here’s a comparison of charges […]Read More

Portland Black Lives Matter Have Chained Themselves Together in Lobby

Proving once again that pandering to the mob won’t save you, Portland Black Lives Matter militants have now chained themselves together in far-left Mayor Ted Wheeler’s apartment building lobby. As Mayor Wheeler was tweeting platitudes about the Black Lives Matter movement, the mob was gearing up to target his home. and the countless systemic institutional […]Read More

Joe Biden Reads From Script as He Struggles to Get

  77-year-old Joe Biden on Thursday appeared on friendly news networks from his vacation beach house while Kamala Harris did the heavy lifting. Instead of interacting with voters, Joe Biden is staying at his $2.7 million Rehoboth Beach vacation home. Biden appeared on MSNBC and CNN on Thursday for softball interviews. Biden’s cognitive issues are […]Read More

BREAKING: Violent Black Lives Matter Mob Attacks Sen. Rand Paul

Senator Rand Paul was assaulted by a violent Black Lives Matter mob as he left the Republican National Convention in DC on Thursday night. The incident was caught on multiple livestreams. As Sen. Paul and his wife were being escorted by police away from the event, a “protester” rushed up and shoved a police officer […]Read More

What on Earth?? Man in Black Face Assaulted by Black

man in black face sparked chaos in DC during the Black Lives Matter protest on Thursday evening. As police were speaking to the man, whose face was painted brown, at least two “protesters” ran up and hit him. Black Lives Matter is so “afraid” of police that they fearlessly assault people right in front of […]Read More

A Night of Heroes: Former Notre Dame Coach Lou Holtz

Lou Holtz, the great leader and former football coach of Notre Dame spoke tonight in support of President Trump.  The classy and popular former coach knows a winner when he sees one. Holtz shared that he is voting for President Trump based on three words that he’s made his decisions on.  He said he uses […]Read More

BREAKING: Over Two Dozen Shots Fired at Minneapolis Riot

Destruction and rioting started back up in Minneapolis on Thursday after false reports of a fatal police shooting which turned out to be a suicide. Police were approaching the man when he pulled out a gun and shot himself. Immediately, everyone blamed the police for his death, without bothering to wait for more information. In […]Read More