• September 20, 2024


Fauci Warns Vaccine May Only Help Control Coronavirus Pandemic

Dr. Anthony Fauci cautioned about high expectations about the efficacy of a vaccine for the COVID-19 China coronavirus in an interview Friday with the Brown University School of Public Health. Fauci has served since 1984 as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the NIH and is a member of […]Read More

DEVASTATING! Trump Responds to Junk Intel Report – “Nobody with

s reported earlier the Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center released a totally BS report on the 2020 election threats. The Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center Bill Evanina on Friday revealed information on threats from foreign countries in the 2020 election. According to Director Bill Evanina Russia wants Joe Biden […]Read More

NYC Street Artist Paints Thin Blue Line on Street in

Street artist Scott Lobaido recently painted a thin blue line on the street in Staten Island in support of police officers. Soon afterward a young, white, Black Lives Matter Marxist painted over his line because she was offended by his support for police. On Friday Scott Lobaido joined Laura Ingraham to talk about his street […]Read More

“It’s a Peaceful Protest” – President Trump Gives Perfect Answer

President Trump on Friday evening held a press conference from his private golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey. Lefty reporters were triggered because guests at Trump’s club gathered in a ballroom to watch his presser. Country club members awaiting the president pic.twitter.com/cm9FOvtoC9 — Jonathan Lemire (@JonLemire) August 7, 2020 The guests were drinking alcohol and […]Read More

President Trump Makes Cryptic Remark at Ohio Speech: “I Have

President Trump spoke to workers at a Whirlpool factory in Clyde, Ohio Thursday to tout his efforts to restore America’s manufacturing base. During the speech Trump also spoke about his working to reform prescription drug pricing by the pharmaceutical industry. While speaking about reducing drug prices by cutting out the middlemen, Trump said he had […]Read More