• September 20, 2024


WOW! Joe Biden Says It’s Wrong to Hold China Accountable

If Trump said this you’d never hear the end of it. On the same day Joe Biden accuses President Trump of being a racist — he dropped this line: Joe Biden: Look what he’s doing now. He’s blaming everything on China. He’s blaming everything on the Chinese. And people don’t make a distinction. As you […]Read More

Portland Mayor Gassed By Feds As Large Fires Burn At

Vichy Portland mayor Ted Wheeler decided to attend the protests on Wednesday evening. After getting yelled at for the better part of an hour by crazed leftists, he walked over to the big fence that lines the federal courthouse, to join the protesters there. As usual, the rioters broke through the fence, set several fires, […]Read More

Antifa Terrorists Try to Set Fire to Federal Courthouse in

Antifa terrorists tried to set fire to the federal building in Portland, Oregon in the hour after midnight local time. Federal law enforcement officers inside the building came out and extinguished the fire. The feds used tear gas and flashbang grenades to push the insurgents back. The large gathering of insurgents at the Mark O. […]Read More

MASS SHOOTING at Chicago Funeral on City’s South Side —

At least 14 people were shot at a funeral on Chicago’s south side on Tuesday. The shooting came from a vehicle that drove by the funeral. Attendees at the funeral returned fire. Chicago is a hell hole. Shooting up people attending a funeral. https://t.co/lrKvjbwvBf — Sami (@Susan8360) July 22, 2020 Source: The Gateway Pundit Share […]Read More

Pelosi Lashes Out at Trump After His Briefing on the

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Tuesday evening called the China Coronavirus the “Trump virus” during an appearance on fake news CNN. President Trump held a Coronavirus task force briefing earlier Tuesday for the first time in months. The president said that the pandemic will ‘probably get worse before it gets better.’ Pelosi blamed President […]Read More