• September 20, 2024


Federal Judge’s Son Shot Dead and Her Defense Attorney Husband

Judge Esther Salas The 20-year-old son of US District Judge of New Jersey, Esther Salas, an Obama appointee, was shot dead Sunday night and her husband was critically injured by a gunman posing as a FedEx driver. The judge’s husband, Mark Anderl, 63, a criminal defense attorney is in critical condition in a hospital. Judge […]Read More

CNN Pushes Joe Biden As A ‘Man Of Faith’ Who

This is just so typical. The liberal media mocks and disrespects people of faith in America all the time. But now that we have an election coming up, CNN rushes in to prop up Joe Biden as some sort of deeply religious man, suggesting he can appeal to evangelicals. From CNN: Joe Biden is a […]Read More

Violent Portland Rioters Chant ‘Every City, Every Town, Burn the

Portland rioters chanted “every city, every town, burn the precincts to the ground” on their 51st night of “protests” in the city. The message deeply contradicts the “we just want reform” narrative that liberals and their media lackeys are trying to push. “Every city, every town, burn the precincts to the ground!” Doesn’t sound like […]Read More

Kanye West to Hold Campaign Rally in South Carolina on

Former Trump supporter now rival Kanye West will hold a rally in South Carolina on Sunday for his presidential campaign, Politico reported Saturday night: Kanye West is heading South for his first political event. The rapper and former avowed supporter of President Donald Trump will hold the first presidential campaign event of his own Sunday […]Read More

BREAKING: Portland Antifa and BLM Launch Explosives at Federal Building

Portland Antifa and Black Lives Matter launched explosives at the Federal Courthouse and Justice Center while attempting to barricade agents inside on the 50th night of riots in the ultra liberal city. There was also severe violence against random citizens that they disagree with politically during Friday night’s chaos. Portland pic.twitter.com/V1CDjPLYDg — maria viti (@selfdeclaredref) […]Read More

Democrat Illinois House Speaker Implicated In Bribery Scandal, Office Subpoenaed

The Democrat House Speaker of Illinois, Michael Madigan, has been implicated in a bribery scandal, an investigation has found. The bribery scheme involved jobs and contracts. It looks like a sort of pay-to-play situation. CBS News in Chicago reports: Feds’ ComEd Bribery Case Implicates Mike Madigan; Speaker’s Office Subpoenaed; Governor Says Madigan ‘Must Resign’ If […]Read More