• September 20, 2024


Stanford Doctor Confirms What We’ve Been Saying for Months –

The China coronavirus is real but the facts about it have been hidden or contaminated.  For example, a doctor at Stanford reported a couple days ago that the China coronavirus mortality rate for those under the age of 45 is almost 0%. The Washington Examiner reported: Stanford University’s disease prevention chairman slammed using statewide lockdown […]Read More

EXCLUSIVE: Martin Shkreli Endorses Kanye West for President, Says He’s

“Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli has endorsed Kanye West’s 2020 presidential election bid. In an email to the Gateway Pundit from the federal prison where he is serving his seven year sentence for securities fraud, Shkreli wrote “Yeezy for President,” and that he’s “got my endorsement and vote.” “I am available for treasury secretary or federal […]Read More

BLM Independence Day Speaker in Washington DC: “No Protest Is

It was quite an Independence Day in some sectors on the left. Democrat governors shut down their states but allowed Black Lives Matter and leftist groups to rally against the government in their states. In Washington DC the Black Lives Matter speaker called for violent revolution. BLM Speaker: “No protest is peaceful, we want to […]Read More

Nashville Mayor Shuts Down 4th of July Celebrations but Allows

Black Lives Matter held a protest in Nashville on Fourth of July this afternoon. Thousands of people turned out. Several thousand people gather at Bicentennial Park to rally for equality and freedom on the 4th of July @WKRN#wkrnpic.twitter.com/I4qfcXS8B4 — ValenciaNews2 (@ValenciaWicker) July 4, 2020 The BLM protesters did not burn down the historic courthouse this […]Read More

BREAKING FROM ST. LOUIS: McCloskeys Have Armed Security Team on

Last weekend hundreds of Black Lives Matter and Antifa protesters broke through the gate on Portland Place, a private street in St. Louis. Mark and Patricia McCloskey were eating dinner when the criminal mob marched down their street, painted the street and protested in front of Mayor Lyda Krewson’s home. The McCloskeys, in fear for […]Read More

BOOM! President Trump Promises to Sign an Executive Order to

President Trump delivered an unforgettable speech on Friday night at Mount Rushmore National Park in South Dakota. The president defined the current battle between good and wickedness in America today. President Trump vowed to defend America, its heroes and its history. This is while Democrats vow to tear down statues, rewrite history and defund police. […]Read More