• July 26, 2024

Released Terrorist Returned to Jail

by Patrick Dunleavy  IPT News  September 22, 202 Convicted terrorist Kevin James is back in custody. James, also known as Ahmed Binyamin Alasiri, was indicted last month by a federal grand jury in Los Angeles for selling methamphetamine and Ecstasy in “a series of drug buys.” James, you may recall, had served 16 years in federal prison after pleading […]Read More

New Poll Finds Public Support For ‘Racial Justice Protests’ Is

Support for left wing social justice protests has dropped by a full fifteen percent, a recent poll has found. The American people were supportive at first, because Americans are good people who believe in justice, but the constant protests, many of which have devolved into destructive riots, have exhausted the public’s patience. This isn’t really […]Read More

BREAKING: Pro-Antifa DA Drops Attempted Murder and Arson Charges For

Multnomah County district attorney Mike Schmidt has dropped the most serious charges against Joseph Robert Sipe, the *ALLEGED* rioting terrorist who *ALLEGEDLY* threw a giant Molotov cocktail at police in Portland last night. Charges of First Degree Attempted Murder, First Degree Arson, First Degree Attempted Assault, and Attempt To Commit A Class A Felony, which […]Read More

BREAKING: Black Lives Matter Rioters in Hollywood Chase Down and

Black Lives Matter rioters hopped in a car and chased down a white Prius who had attempted to maneuver through their protest — causing a car accident and physically attacking the driver. The shocking incident was captured by a local news helicopter. WATCH: A person driving a white Prius was chased down and by protesters […]Read More

It’s Now Clear: Trump Will Win the Election — Democrats

As a Republican whenever you hear the words “ballot harvesting” you know you’ve lost the race. Democrats just stole the 2020 election in North Carolina and Republicans did not even put up a fight. President Trump may be leading in the polls but it doesn’t matter.  It won’t matter when the final votes are counted […]Read More

MOUTHY SPEED BUMP: Seattle Rioter Lays Down in the Street

rioter in Seattle laid down in the middle of the road in an attempt to slow down police officers who were moving in on bikes. Unfortunately for the rioter, his harebrained scheme did not go as well as he likely hoped it would. Either unaware of the moron laying in the road, or just unbothered, […]Read More