• June 16, 2024


Unbelievable: Scientist Claims Anti-vaxx Groups’ Fear Mongering and Scare Tactics

You can’t make this up. Just when you thought the Covid-deranged establishment medical community couldn’t lose any more credibility, Raymond D. Palmer, a scientist from Western Australia, admitted that there are serious risks associated with Covid-19 vaccinations, but he blamed the anti-vaxxers for it. According to Palmer’s research, which was published in the NIH National […]Read More

CROOKS AND LIARS: Maricopa County Moves Election Certification to ONE

In a stunning, and impossible, upset Democrat Katie Hobbs allegedly ‘defeated’ extremely popular conservative Kari Lake in the midterm gubernatorial election. Katie Hobbs did not campaign, did not have a major following, did not hold rallies, and refused to debate. Hobbs was able to win the election after she somehow won over 50% of the […]Read More

Trans Teacher Who Wore Giant Prosthetic Breasts In Classroom Goes

The infamous transgender teacher who wore giant prosthetic breasts to a Canadian high school is making headlines again for going skydiving with a male porn star. As the Lemieux ignited international outrage by dressing as a woman in class while showcasing his massive prosthetic chest at Oakville Trafalgar High School in Toronto, the transgender shop […]Read More

Chair of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Bill Gates

Chair of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Bill Gates delivered multiple updates on the status of the 2022 Election in the county during the delayed counting of the ballots.  After massive complications and corrupt acts on Election Day, many across the country believe the election is being stolen like it was in 2020. Gates […]Read More

Here We Go: WHO to Rename ‘Monkeypox’ Virus to ‘MPOX’

Pavlo Gonchar | Lightrocket | Getty Images The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it is working with scientists to develop a new name for the monkeypox virus that will not be “discriminatory and stigmatizing,” an effort to employ “woke” ideals in virology. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of WHO announced in June […]Read More

JUST IN: Democrat Rep. Mary Peltola Wins Reelection in Alaska,

Democrat Rep. Mary Peltola won reelection to a full term in the House after she defeated Sarah Palin in a special election to replace Rep. Don Young in August. Peltola was the FIRST DEMOCRAT to win the House seat in solid red Alaska in 50 Years! Ranked-choice voting and mail-in ballots were implemented by referendum […]Read More

Woke German Soccer Team Focused on Politics Instead of the

In an effort to prove their wokeness, Germany’s team at the World Cup posed for a photo before their match with Japan with their mouths covered after being told they could not wear “OneLove” anti-discrimination armbands. Image: Twitter Screenshot @labordeolivier Holding the World Cup in the predominately Muslim country of Qatar has resulted in a variety […]Read More

Far-Left Antifa Thugs Still Active on Twitter While Many Conservatives

Elon Musk has mostly championed free speech since taking over Twitter. There are a still a number of conservatives who remain banned, including The Gateway Pundit, while he has ignored leftists supporting violence on the platform. The case of Antifa ‘journalist” Vishal Singh is a particularly acute example. Independent journalist Andy Ngo documented multiple cases […]Read More