• September 21, 2024


Patriotic President Donald Trump Donates Part of His Salary to

The Andrew Jackson Monument vandalized by the American left. Speaker Pelosi refused to condemn this action. This should be making national headlines. But it won’t because the mainstream fake news media is so toxic today. President Trump announced on Friday he will donate $100,000 of his annual salary to the National Park Service to aid […]Read More

Larry C. Johnson: There Is an Unprecedented Gun and Ammo

Guest post by Larry C. Johnson There is a quiet revolution underway across the United States that signals how the average American is reacting to the Democrat campaign of supporting rioting and chaos in major cities. American citizens are arming themselves to the teeth and this includes many who previously supported gun control measures. If […]Read More

Trump the Peacemaker: “A Lot of Interest from a Lot

On Thursday President Trump announced a new peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. This is a major step toward peace in the Middle East. During this morning’s announcement Trump son-in-law and negotiator Jared Kushner told reporters there may be another peace deal in the works. Via HotAir: “There is a good chance […]Read More

It Begins: Black Lives Matter Mob Demands White People Move

Coming soon to a Democrat-run city near you! A Black Lives Matter mob held a rally in a gentrified neighborhood reportedly in Seattle on Wednesday where they demanded that white people leave their homes and give them to black people. Via Mark Dice. Black Lives Matter mob demands White people move out of neighborhood and […]Read More

AG Barr: There Will Be an Announcement of a “Development

Attorney General Bill Barr joined Sean Hannity on Thursday to announce the new program Operation Legend to fight violence crime. AG Barr was then asked about the developments in the John Durham probe. Bill Barr said there will be an announcement on Friday. AG Bill Barr: I’ve said the American people need to know what […]Read More

Breaking News: AG Bill Barr Goes on Hannity to Announce

Attorney General Bill Barr went on with Sean Hannity on Thursday to announce the launch of Operation Legend. The operation was named after four-year-old LeGend Taliferro, who was shot and killed in Kansas City, Missouri, on June 29, 2020. The DOJ initiative was launched to help solve the hundreds of unsolved murders in American cities […]Read More

Update: Judge Orders Texas Father to Pay $5,000 a Month

This is a heartbreaking update. A Dallas judge this week issued an order allowing Anne Georgulas power over her 8-year-old son James Younger’s medical decisions. As previously reported, the mother of 8-year-old James wanted to start the boy on puberty blockers and eventually cross-sex hormones. The boy’s father, Jeffrey Younger vowed to keep fighting to […]Read More

Creepy George Soros Attacks President Trump and Calls Him a

We’ve reported on Creepy George Soros and his actions that have destroyed the inner cities in the US. Today he claims that Creepy George Soros was interviewed by 60 Minutes years ago. In this infamous interview Soros claimed to have no shame for turning in fellow Jews to the Nazis in World War II Hungary. […]Read More

Kamala Harris Opens Her Run as Veep Cheering Rioters, Looters

Kamala Harris on Wednesday gave her first speech as Joe Biden’s running mate. During her opening remarks Kamala referred to the mobs and looters in the streets as a “coalition of conscience.” Kamala Harris: The President’s mismanagement of the pandemic has plunged us into the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. And we’re experiencing […]Read More

Senior GOP Senate Source: Romney Blocking Sen. Ron Johnson From

Senior Republican Senate source has confirmed to Gateway Pundit that Senator Mitt Romney is leading an effort to block Senator Ron Johnson from subpoenaing James Comey and John Brennan. Johnson, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chair, said during a radio appearance on Wednesday that fellow Republicans were blocking him from subpoenaing the former […]Read More