• September 20, 2024


If People Can Line Up to Pay Respects to Rep.

The Democrat-media complex is using the Coronavirus as a vehicle to rig the election with mail-in voting. The Democrats, with help from their stenographers in the media say it’s far too dangerous to vote in person in November because everyone will die from COVID. COVID-19 is a peculiar virus because it only infects people at […]Read More

Democrat Sanctioned Terrorism: Antifa-BLM Protesters are Packing Their Fireworks Bombs

Antifa-Black Lives Matter protesters attacked the Atlanta Field Office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) with nails embedded in fireworks bombs. The left claims these people are peaceful protesters. “The protesters are mothers, veterans and mayors.” – J GoNadlerhttps://t.co/17jmFjwFKL — In Pursuit of Truth (@IPOT1776) July 28, 2020 The Democrat-sanctioned protesters ransacked the Atlanta […]Read More

“Let Me Get My List Here” – Biden Only Takes

77-year-old Joe Biden on Tuesday held a campaign event in Wilmington, Delaware… AGAIN! Biden is so feeble that when he ventures out of his Delaware basement, he stays close to home. The presumptive Democrat nominee delivered remarks on his “Build Back Better” plan to bolster the economy. The campaign event started off awkward after Biden […]Read More

BREAKING: Antifa Throws What Appears To Be a Bomb At

n Antifa militant in Portland threw what appears to be an improvised explosive device at the federal courthouse in Portland on Monday evening. Rioters have been attacking the building for over 60 days. Antifa just threw what appears to be an IED at the federal courthouse. pic.twitter.com/fX1UMvsFUw — Brittany (@Brittany3l) July 28, 2020 Portland pic.twitter.com/PyZv8qmq3r […]Read More