• September 20, 2024


CNN Refers to Washington and Jefferson as Just ‘Two Slave

The resentment for America at CNN was on full display during Independence Day weekend, particularly as a CNN pundit referred to the Founding Fathers as just a couple of slave owners. During the network’s coverage of President Donald Trump’s speech at Mt. Rushmore, Leyla Santiago said that “President Trump will be at Mount Rushmore, where […]Read More

“I am Here as Your President to Proclaim Before You

President Trump threw down the gauntlet on Independence Day weekend. President Trump told Americans he will always protect our history, our monuments and our way of life! Today America defined the current battle between good and evil. President Trump promised the South Dakota crowd: “I am here as your president to proclaim before the country […]Read More

EXCLUSIVE: 4th of July Warning – BLM and Crips Gang

Last weekend members of BLM and the Crips gang colluded in assaulting a group of Christians who prayed at the statue of St. Louis in Forest Park in St. Louis.  We have evidence the same criminals who assaulted individuals at the prayer event have purchased over 300 pounds of fireworks which simulate gun fire. Terrence […]Read More

Code Pink Plans Rallies in California on 4th of July

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) on Tuesday announced he will be rolling back the state’s reopening due to the surge in Coronavirus cases. On Wednesday, Newsom shut it down. Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura and Orange County on Wednesday were ordered to close indoor operations at restaurants, wineries, tasting rooms, zoos and museums. Here […]Read More

UPDATE: HUSBAND FIRED After Black Women ‘Gypsy Hoax’ on Him

As reported earlier by Cristina Laila– A white Oakland County, Michigan couple were charged with felony assault on Thursday after a video of a pregnant woman defending herself from a black woman with a firearm went viral. Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper charged Jillian Wuestenberg , 32, and Eric Wuestenberg, 42, each with one count […]Read More

Democrats Block Republican Resolution Condemning Mob Violence (VIDEO)

Republicans in the Senate, led by Mike Lee, introduced a resolution this week, condemning mob violence. And Democrats blocked it. Democrat Senator Bob Menendez even denied the existence of such violence. Deseret News reports: Sen. Mike Lee accuses Democrats of being on the side of ‘dimwitted’ violent protesters Sen. Mike Lee charged Senate Democrats with […]Read More

“Cannot Restrict Freedoms” – Illinois Judge Voids Governor Pritzker’s Coronavirus

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker A southern Illinois judge on Thursday voided Democrat Governor J.B. Pritzker’s Coronavirus lockdown orders. The Illinois Attorney General’s office is expected to appeal. Pritzker first declared a statewide disaster because of Coronavirus back in early March and continued to issue 30 day extensions — he has used the disaster proclamations in […]Read More

Not So Tough Talking Now: Woke Harvard Grad Has Meltdown,

Recent Harvard grad Claira Janover posted a video Wednesday saying she lost her job offer from Deloitte as a result of her ‘I’ma stab you if you have the caucasity to say all lives matter’ video went viral this week. Janover had posted a disclaimer with the video that read, “for legal reasons this is […]Read More