• September 19, 2024


Democrats Delete Tweet Calling Trump 4th of July Celebration a

The Democrats tweeted a statement on President Trump’s planned 4th of July celebration at Mount Rushmore (to be held on Friday the Third) as a “rally glorifying white supremacy at Mount Rushmore.” The tweet was deleted soon after it was posted Monday night. Archived version at this link. The Trump campaign’s Matt Wolking wrote, “June […]Read More

4 Children Shot, 18 People Dead, 47 Wounded in Weekend

Mayor Lori Lightfoot 65 people were shot across Chicago this weekend as Mayor Lightfoot pushed for police reform and lectured the city on Coronavirus safety measures. Four children were among the 65 people shot. A total of 18 people died, including 2 children and a baby. Fox 6 reported: The weekend gun violence brought Chicago […]Read More

HORROR! Far Left Mob Beat Christian Man WITH A STICK

Last week the Gateway Pundit announced a prayer rally on Saturday at the iconic St. Louis Statue on Art Hill in Forest Park in St. Louis City. The radical left wants the St. Louis statue removed. Several priests showed up at the statue on Saturday to pray around the time of our rally. One local […]Read More

Black Washington Post Editor Deletes Tweet Saying ‘White Women are

Democracy dies in darkness, but racism thrives in broad daylight at the Washington Post. Karen Attiah, Global Opinion editor for the Post, posted several racist attacks against white woman on Twitter Sunday, including one that warned white women they are lucky black people aren’t seeking revenge on them for among other grievances voting for President […]Read More

HUNDREDS of Violent Leftists and Communists Converge on St. Louis

St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson read aloud several constituents who wanted to defund the police — IN ST. LOUIS! — The murder capital of America. Krewson read off their names and addresses in a Facebook live broadcast. You can’t unring this bell Mayor @LydaKrewson . The harm you caused these constituents by maliciously doxing them […]Read More

Greg Gutfeld Goes Off On Liberal Juan Williams For Blaming

There was an explosive moment on ‘The Five’ on FOX News on Friday. Greg Gutfeld slammed liberal co-host Juan Williams after he implied that Trump was responsible for the unrest seen recently in American cities. Juan’s attack was completely dishonest and Greg was right to call him out. The Daily Caller has details: ‘Wake Up, […]Read More

Black Lives Matter Mob Marches Through Beverly Hills Neighborhood Chanting

Black Lives Matter mob marched through Beverly Hills chanting ‘eat the rich’ on Friday night. The mob was once again not targeting police or the government, but the homes of random citizens. Protestors now outside wealthy neighborhood in Beverly Hills, shouting, “wake they rich asses up!” pic.twitter.com/gSHP1V8CwY — The Convo Couch (@theconvocouch) June 27, 2020 […]Read More