• September 16, 2024


Trump Campaign Manager Promised in 2018 to Confront Big Tech

Campaign manager Brad Parscale has the crowd fired up at President Trump rally in Battle Creek, MI December 18, 2019 by Kristinn Taylor On March 7, 2018, Trump 2020 Campaign Manager Brad Parscale warned Facebook to keep the playing field level. Parscale warned Facebook that “We are watching you.” Hey @facebook@Twitter@Google we are watching. This […]Read More

Newsom Issues New Authoritarian Guidelines For Reopening Churches: Limit Capacity

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) issued new authoritarian guidelines for reopening churches. President Trump declared all houses of worship “essential” on Friday during the White House press briefing. States were to open their churches and synagogues THIS WEEKEND! Democrat Governor Newsom initially pushed back against Trump, then buckled after enormous pressure and decided to reopen […]Read More

“Social Distancing Is Not a Crime – Sheriff’s Office Has

Over the weekend video from Lake of the Ozarks in southern Missouri went viral of a mass pool party. The kids were having fun. Obviously, they are not concerned about the coronavirus at this popular tourist destination. Scene from Lake of Ozarks. To hell with Social distancing #COVIDIOTpic.twitter.com/qku48j6TxK — Karn (@01Karn) May 24, 2020 Of […]Read More

CNBC Reporter: Biden Is Offering Most Expensive Tax Plan Of

Joe Biden is presented by Democrats and the media as a moderate, but that’s simply not true. His tax plan is ridiculously expensive. It would spend trillions more than even Hillary Clinton’s tax plan in 2016. Robert Frank of CNBC recently laid it all out. The Washington Free Beacon reports: CNBC Reporter: Biden Tax Plan […]Read More

James Clapper Even Lied in his Memoir About General Flynn

James Clapper is a serial liar. In April 2019 former DNI Clapper said Bill Barr’s accusations that the Obama administration was spying on Trump was “stunning and scary.” Then the following month, in May, he admitted it was true I missed this from last Friday — Clapper on whether the FBI spied on the Trump […]Read More