• October 17, 2024

Jason Foglesong for Congress (R) Texas

I’m Jason Foglesong and I want to serve in the House of Representatives, for Texas District 13.  That’s a big district, stretching from the Panhandle down to Gainesville.  If you’re at all familiar, Mac Thornberry has represented us for the past 25 years or so. I have been a resident of Amarillo for just over […]Read More

Entitlement – greatest weapon of Democratic Party.

It is no secret that one of the major arguments that democrats are using is entitlement. They tell their constituents that they are entitled to free health care, free tuition, free this, free that. Being that our younger generation already feel that they are entitled to things, it is an easiest psychological weapon a democrat […]Read More

Trump Battles Al Qaeda At Home And Abroad

Source Link  2020: The Year of The Dead Terrorist… …and President Trump is celebrating by playing golf. @realdonaldtrump Twitter President Trump is a brilliant Commander-in-Chief. Current government officials report that another prospective leader of al Qaeda was killed in a January airstrike in Yemen. CNN reported In 2017 that the austere religious scholar known as Qasim al-Rimi sent President Donald Trump […]Read More

Democrats are about to go through hell now that the

by Eddie Scarry | January 31, 2020 Now that the Senate trial is over, I hope Democrats have plenty of water and aspirin in preparation for the raging impeachment headache they’re about to endure. Senate Republicans voted Friday not to admit any additional witnesses or evidence, the right thing to do in this ridiculous impeachment process, effectively ending our […]Read More

The Deplorable Choir⭐️⭐️⭐️ @DeplorableChoir

Hoping Trump’s State of the Union goes down like this! ? Here’s our impeachment song Harper Valley PTA style! ? SOCK IT TO THEM, MR. PRESIDENT! pic.twitter.com/8EmeDngnSj — The Deplorable Choir⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@DeplorableChoir) January 31, 2020 @realdonaldtrump @scottpresler @michaeljohns @RyanAFournier @dbargen @charliekirk @yourSinsr4given @ivankatrump Share on:Read More

With the potential for Trump’s acquittal and Brexit completion in

This article originally appeared at SOURCE LINK Their hysterics are, well, hysterical. Olympic-level mental gymnastics are on full display on CNN and MSNBC as talking heads search for comfort. Houdini would have been proud of the hypocritical contortions performed by Democrats in the Senate trial. There’s so much bad news for leftists today that they […]Read More

It’s Too Bad The First Black President Was Such A

This article originally appeared at SOURCE LINK It’s so nice to wake up after the end of the Obama years and see the country so united, races of all colors living in harmony, the seas calmed, and the mountains of racial harmony moved. Oh wait, that didn’t happen…actually it did happen, but only after Obama […]Read More


by Investigator for Trump    Contact Bill Barr’s office and demand an investigation of treason against this deranged CIA employee for treason. TIME TO STAND WITH TRUMP LIKE NEVER BEFORE! Contact Bill Barr's office and demand an investigation of treason against this deranged CIA employee for treason.https://t.co/kQ4UWU7xej — ???????????? ??? ????? (@Investigator_51) January 31, 2020 […]Read More

Barrasso: Dems May Try to Throw a Couple of Hail

By Melanie Arter | January 31, 2020 (CNSNews.com) – Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) predicted Friday that Supreme Court Justice John Roberts will not vote to break a tie in the vote on witnesses for the Senate impeachment trial, and the Democrats will try to throw “a couple of hail Mary passes” to delay the vote on the […]Read More