• June 26, 2024

Byron York’s Daily Memo: Democrats, double standards, and the Capitol

July 23, 2021 Welcome to Byron York’s Daily Memo newsletter.   Was this email forwarded to you? Sign up here to receive the newsletter. DEMOCRATS, DOUBLE STANDARDS, AND THE CAPITOL RIOT COMMITTEE. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she barred Representatives Jim Jordan and Jim Banks from the Capitol riot investigating committee because the two Republicans “had made statements […]Read More

The FBI Is Out of Control, The Light of Truth

I used to respect the FBI. When I worked at the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism, I was one of two officers who handled liaison with the FBI on its investigation of the 1988 terrorist bombing of Pan Am 103. My supervisor and I sent out the cables to our Embassies requesting permission for […]Read More

Liberal Media Types Want Trump Supporters To Be ‘Deprogrammed’ (VIDEO)

Has everyone in the liberal media gone completely insane? They spent four years calling Trump a fascist and comparing his supporters to Nazis, but now they feel comfortable saying they want Trump supporters to be deprogrammed. Doesn’t that sound a little… fascist? Townhall reports: Sounds Stalinist? Liberal Media Demands Trump Supporters Undergo Deprogramming They can’t […]Read More

Another Uprising: Thousands Protest as Italy Mandates Health Pass, Will

On Thursday, Italy joined France and became the second European country to impose Soviet-style restrictions on its citizens. Italy mandated their version of a vaccine passport today, called the ‘green pass.’ This gross violation of freedom sparked a wave of massive protests across the country. Thousands of people are gathering this evening in Turin in […]Read More

BRAVO! Greg Kelly Airs Photos of All of the Jan.

merican Gulag —   More than 500 Americans have been arrested by the FBI for the Jan. 6 protests including hundreds of Americans whose only crime was walking into an open building. Dozens are still held in isolation after 6 months. Gone but Not Forgotten. On Thursday Newsmax host Greg Kelly posted the photos of […]Read More

CAIR’s Sloppy Smear of an Israeli Police Exchange Program

by Steven Emerson IPT News July 22, 2021 The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Georgia chapter was intent on making news Monday, but apparently it couldn’t decide how. The objective was clear – to smear the Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE), because GILEE takes American police leaders to Israel. It’s part of a years-long campaign by […]Read More

POLL: Majority Of Voters Want Antifa And BLM Investigated More

Since the moment Democrats took power in January of this year, they have painted what happened at the Capitol as a supposed “insurrection.” They have painted Trump supporters and other conservatives as terrorists. The FBI has spent countless hours and resources rounding up people who were involved. Nancy Pelosi is even forming a new commission […]Read More

Biden Flirts with Man’s Wife, Rambles About “A Man on

What did we just watch? Joe Biden’s CNN town hall in Cincinnati, Ohio Wednesday evening is a total dumpster fire. Biden is unable to string a sentence together because of his dementia. The third question of the night came from a Democrat newlywed who asked Biden about vaccine hesitancy in the black community. Creepy Joe […]Read More