• July 2, 2024

Senate Democrats Unveil $3.5 Trillion ‘Infrastructure’ Bill – Will Attempt

What inflation? Senate Democrats unveiled a $3.5 trillion “infrastructure” bill that they will try to pass through “reconciliation” with ZERO Republican votes needed. This bill is in addition to the $1 trillion ‘bipartisan’ infrastructure, bill bringing the total spending to approximately $4.5 trillion. The Democrats can’t get rid of the filibuster so they are using […]Read More

A Case of Journalism Broke Out! CBS Hits Texas Dems

Scott Whitlock  July 13th, 2021 Proving that it is actually possible to practice journalism when dealing with Democrats and voting laws, CBS This Morning’s Ed O’Keefe on Tuesday pressed Texas Democrats who fled the state, meeting them at the airport in Washington D.C. to demand answers. Showing a noted difference from how the network covered […]Read More

Rep. Jim Jordan: 7 Ways ‘The Left Started the Culture

Craig Bannister | July 13, 2021 Liberals are responsible for starting the culture war in America, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said Tuesday. “The Left started the culture war,” Rep. Jordan tweeted on Tuesday, listing seven ways that liberals have instigated and stoked cultural conflict: “They kneeled for the anthem” “They let boys play girls sports” […]Read More

When Health Officials Endanger Our Health

By Bill Donohue | July 13, 2021   Doctor-induced maladies are called iatrogenic, typically the result of an unintended diagnosis. Unfortunately, when it comes to sex and drugs, there is no shortage of doctors who are giving lousy advice these days. Health professionals across the nation have recently been advising people how to handle sexual […]Read More

A Shocking Letter Surfaces About The 2020 Election

Rumble — For show notes, visit https://bongino.com/ep-1561-a-shocking-letter-surfaces-about-the-2020-election This show is brought to you by Express VPN https://www.expressvpn.com/bongino A stunning letter emerges which will make you look at the 2020 election differently. In this episode, I discuss the letter and I address a Politico article about the left’s disturbing push to read your text messages. Are your emails next? Looking […]Read More

Conservative Talk Radio Host Larry Elder Enters The Race For

Several weeks ago, Caitlyn Jenner announced a run for governor of California as a Republican. Now another candidate has entered the race. Conservative talk radio host Larry Elder is running. You may also know Elder from his many appearances on FOX News over the years. Elder is a real-deal conservative. The Associated Press reports: Radio […]Read More

Garland Favorito and VoterGA to Hold Presser Tuesday Morning —

Garland Favorito, the founder of the election integrity group VoterGA, will hold a press conference on Tuesday morning. VoterGA will review highlights of its amended ballot inspection complaint and provide proof that election fraud occurred in the November 2020 election. The press conference will start at 10:30 AM Eastern. Garland told The Gateway Pundit on […]Read More

Capitol Police Will Use Military Surveillance Equipment on Citizens to

Biden’s authoritarian regime is expanding its power at an alarming rate in the aftermath of the January 6th protest. Last week, after Nancy Pelosi announced that they would be opening ‘state-police’ offices in key regions across the country, the Capitol Hill Police are now being reclassified as “an intelligence-based protective agency.” They will be given […]Read More