• July 26, 2024

Law Professor Creates Website To Track Far Left Critical Race

Colleges and universities across the country are implementing the teaching of Critical Race Theory, a far left concept which is reversing all the good work of the Civil Rights Movement by teaching students that nothing is more important than one’s race. Cornell Law School Professor William Jacobson, who runs the Legal Insurrection blog, has created […]Read More

It’s Been One Month to the Day and Americans Still

The Democrats and Liz Cheney claim President Trump caused the riot on the Capitol one month ago on January 6th.  Yet we don’t know definitely how the four Trump supporters died that day since we’ve seen no investigative reports.  And, we haven’t seen an autopsy for Ashli Babbitt and so we don’t definitely know how […]Read More

That Didn’t Take Long: US Borders Wide Open – Fake

The Gates Are Open– It took Joe Biden two weeks to open up the flow of unlimited numbers of migrants into the United States. Fake asylum seekers are starting to pour across the US southern border again. The migrants are released almost immediately into the US to live the “American dream.” Patriot Fire published this […]Read More

Biden Says Trump Should No Longer Receive Classified Intel Briefings

Joe Biden said there is “no need” for Donald Trump to continue to receive classified intelligence briefings. Former US presidents are traditionally extended the privilege of receiving classified information. Earlier this week Jen Psaki confirmed that Biden’s national security team was reviewing whether to revoke Trump’s access to classified information because Democrats believe he cannot […]Read More

Breaking: US Supreme Court Schedules Pennsylvania Election Case, Sidney Powell’s

The Unites States Supreme Court will consider the Pennsylvania election case, Sidney Powell’s Michigan case and Lin Wood’s Georgia case for February 19, 2021. BREAKING: The United States Supreme Court has scheduled the Pennsylvania election case, Sidney Powell’s Michigan election case, and Lin Wood’s Georgia election case for its February 19 conference — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) […]Read More